These Everyday 2 Sneaky Words Stop You From Manifesting

Jan 07, 2024

Ever heard of the story of the Trojan Horse?

Once upon a time in ancient Greece, the Greeks wanted to conquer a city named Troy, but the city's walls and defense were too strong.

So, they built a giant beautiful wooden horse as a "gift" and left it outside Troy.

The Trojans brought it in, not realizing Greek soldiers were hiding inside ready to battle.

When night fell, the soldiers sneaked out, opened the city gates, and let their comrades in.

The Greeks surprised the Trojans and then defeated them winning the war.

This story is taking place within your mind right now, with 2 words that have snuck in and are ready to destroy any chance of you creating your desired reality.

Unfortunately, these 2 words are so normalized in everyday life that most people will never manifest their desires. Yeah, they’re that deadly.

The 2 words are “how” and “when”, but that’s not enough to know…

You have to know why’re deadly and then how to eradicate them from your vocabulary so you don’t fall into the same trap as everybody else struggling to manifest.

The Manifestation Killer How

Did you know that your brain processes about 11 million bits of data per second with the subconscious mind?

But when it comes to the conscious mind, it can process only about 40 bits per second.

Shout-out to Dr Bruce Lipton for that discovery.

It’s so sad that out of 11 million bits of data per second, we can only extract 40.

It’s almost like bottling up the water of the ocean into a 500ml bottle.

This is exactly what happens when you think about “how” your desire is going to manifest.

You have a human mind, which means that your mind is finite. It is limited, it has parameters in which it has to stay in.

However, technically you aren’t who manifests, it is the consciousness of God within you that manifests.

Remember, God is infinite.

Now, because your mind is finite and limited when you begin wondering “How will my desire manifest?” you are closing the infinite amount of ways your manifestation could unfold due to the God within.

Each time you think “how” you are closing off help from the infinite portion of God that is within and is above the illusions of reality meaning it knows exactly how to manifest it.

This is esoterically coded within Matthew 19:26

“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men(logic) this is impossible, but with God(consciousness) all things are possible.”

For example, it’s fairly logical to think that if you want to manifest a holiday you’ll need money first however, the universe has an infinite amount of ways you could attain that.

You could randomly win a holiday.

You have the trip paid for by a friend or family member.

And I’m sure there’s other ways but when an idea hits our mind due to the left hemisphere of our brain being logical we begin to rationalize, which really and truly is to minimize.

Manifestations are miracles, and there is nothing logical about miracles so why would you rely on logic if you want to manifest?

Manifestation requires you to give up the logic, which means giving up the how.

Jesus said the same thing upon his disciples attempting to catch fish by casting their nets on the “left” side of the boat, they pulled up nothing.

The left side of the boat is a reference to the left hemisphere, the logical and rationality.

“And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish.” ~ John 21:6

The right hemisphere is all the spiritual mind which can be perceived as delusional and once the disciples used that, they had an abundance of fish.

This is the truest esoteric meaning of the commonly said but heavily misunderstood phrase of “Let Go and Let God.”

“You have to get out of the way so that the universe can organize it in a way you haven't thought of. You can’t be tickled if you know where you're gonna be tickled and so all of a sudden you get in the way of the tickling experience, the universe is the same.” - Dr Joe Dispenza

The Manifestation Killer When

You ask this question all the time, and it is killing your chances of manifesting.

“When it will manifest?”

We’ve all asked ourselves one or maybe a million times…

But this is the exact question that is keeping you stuck in a cycle of failing to manifest your desire.

From the day you were born, you were taught the concept of time…

Your birth time was recorded…

You live in a world where you are constantly shown clocks…

You’ve been trained to think within the parameters of time but time doesn’t exist outside of reality and funnily enough that’s exactly where your manifestations come from.

The desired reality you want to manifest exists in the Quantum Field/Fourth Dimension/Akasha/The Universal Storehouse/A Parallel Universe which is all outside of reality.

So for you to manifest what you want, you must go to the realm where your desires exist which isn’t the physical plane or reality where you are now limited by time.

But see, the mistake is every time you think “when” you are locking yourself to the physical plane illusion of time which doesn’t exist where your desires are.

Delete the “when” from your vocabulary then the aspect of God which is above illusion will be free from being caught up in the illusion of time.

Thinking “when” is an indication that you are waiting and technically there is nothing to wait for because everything is happening right now.

Furthermore, the word “when” is a confession that you are not already in the desired state you wish to be in and unfortunately, you can only have what you already have.

It’s all about the mirror concept, as within, as without.

When you wait, so does the universe and that’s just awkward for everybody.

Placing your mind above the illusion of time is a necessity for manifesting.

How To Execute Them, Step-By-Step

You must purify your mind of these 2 deadly words, it is the only way to finally manifest.

  1. Each time that you catch yourself thinking “when”, instead of needing to see a sign externally take the time to immerse into the emotions of already having it now.
  2. Each time that you catch yourself thinking “how”, instead of then following down a path of rationalizations, take a breath and rest in knowing that it is being handled by a force that the universe will bend to.
  3. Finally, enter a state of conviction that you already are what you wish to be, and if that’s something that you’re struggling with then a combination of persistence and further learning will solve it.

I never wanna hear you think or say these 2 words again, go manifest that dream.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Grew up with poverty programming? Join over 500 students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This simple course will free your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


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