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How To Talk To God

May 19, 2024

How different would your life be if you could directly hear God?

And I don’t mean that in a religious sense, God can be equated to the highest frequency, otherwise known as the “The Most High” frequency.

Think of hearing God as being able to tap into that frequency…

What would you be able to accomplish?

What would stand in your way?

You’d probably be able to accomplish anything and nothing would stand in your way.

If you want to tap into that frequency, you must do one thing…

You need to go up the mountain.

Going Up To The Mountain

What do Christ, Abraham, Moses, and Noah all have in common?

They all had a direct line to God.

However, they all “coincidentally” had their interactions with God while on the mountain…

Does this mean if you want to hear God you must go to Mount Sinai or Mount Horeb? No.

And believe it or not, this is how most people think…

The biggest con of the ages is the con of externalization.

Externalisation is the lie that religion sells which is the concept in which these spiritual, metaphysical concepts are made into literal things outside of you, heaven being an example.

The dangerous thing about externalization is that it diminishes your internal spiritual divinity because you’re projecting it onto the illusion of reality.

Most of the world believes that God can only be heard at these specific locations, without realizing that the mountain in which Christ, Abraham, Moses, and Noah spoke to God is within.

Going up to the mountain is an esoteric representation of you leaving whatever the world is showing you or saying and raising your mind above it all.

It is about you leaving the outer world and turning to the inner world where God truly exists.

The more the outer world can get your attention, the more of your energy it takes which reduces the energy you can invest in the inner world, which is the only world that matters.

Look around you…

The majority of the world is trapped in the illusion of reality, they’re addicted to a reality that is far from real, and because of this, they never go up to the mountain long enough to hear God.

In a world full of distractions, the secret is mastering your attention.

Your attention must always be directed within.

The more it is directed within, the more everything without will make sense.

This is the foundation of going up to the mountain.

“We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” ~ 2 Corinthians 5:8

“Be absent from the body.”

The body is a reference to your vessel which lives in the illusionary realm of reality.

To be absent is to withdraw your attention completely from what you’re seeing, regardless of how it looks because it is a distraction that will suck your attention.

“To be present with the Lord.”

To be present with the Lord is to remain centered within because this is the primary source of your reality.

The Closest You’ll Ever Get To Hearing God

Hearing God can be summarised into one simple word that you’ve heard your whole life…


Intuition is what you’ve experienced, what you’ve felt, and what you’ve been guided to do, but where did it come from?

Most people define intuition as just a gut feeling, and as always they’re wrong.

Intuition is more than some feeling you get in your gut…

Intuition is God.

Have you ever noticed that intuition is made from two words?

Inner, and Tuition.

Inner refers to the within, and tuition refers to teaching or guidance.

Intuition is a gift from God, it is your ability to tap into receiving guidance from God.

The more intuition you can get, the more you’re being guided by the highest frequency of the universe.

How can I get more intuition?

The truth is, you’re always receiving intuition, the real game is to be able to hear it.

Think back to the past when you’ve experienced intuition, you heard it, you felt it, you were aware.

A high level of awareness is needed for you to properly tune into it so you must pay attention to yourself intently.

Why You Need To Be Alone

What’s one thing that Christ, Krishna, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Lao Tzu, and Buddha all have in common?

They embraced being alone, and at that point, they heard God.

“The highest form of a human being is to be in solitude with him or herself.” ~ Carl G. Jung

When you are alone, the social mask is off and you are truly the authentic self and it is within the authentic self that great spiritual capabilities exist.

This is why when you wake up, the universe makes it almost impossible for you to truly be comfortable around others, it’s like part of waking up is disliking being with people, it’s strange.

Whether you wanna call it the Universe/God/God-self/Higher-self it seems like this force purposely wants you alone and this is because it has an elevated perspective on what you need to become aligned with God.

Being alone presents the opportunity for growth because solitude is an incubation for growth.

Part of the growth is self-confrontation with the aspects of yourself that have been repressed to avoid the pain or because it’s not liked by society.

Often when you are alone, your demons come out which is good, not because it allows you to fight them, but because it allows you to talk to them, understand them, and then elevate beyond them.

Being alone is almost addictive which means the less you will desire or care about societal approval which is good because it allows you to detach from the hive-mind thinking and become intellectually independent.

You also then become more aware, of how detached people truly are from themselves.

In states of being alone, you are in silence, and this practice of silence opens the door for you to be conquered by serenity and a sense of inner calm, simultaneously silence is the gateway to reality and God.

Being alone further presents an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection which positions you to properly arrange the bricks of your mind.

Solitude is the portal to self-love because how can you love yourself if you cannot be alone?

How can you know yourself if you cannot be alone?

The universe isolates purposely to have full control of the molding of your consciousness and you should be grateful for that.

The Silent Mind Hears God The Loudest

The silent mind hears God the loudest.

If you haven’t been able to hear/tap into God, then I can almost guarantee that it’s been a while since your mind was truly at peace…

How can God enter a space where there is no space?

The world is so chaotic and so full of distractions that cloud the mind making it difficult for peace to naturally occur, after all, peace is your natural state of being…

If you want to tap into God then your mind has to be at peace, that’s nonnegotiable.

Peace naturally follows space in the mind, and to create space you must clean the mind through meditation.

For simplicity, I will describe meditation as turning away from the world and stepping into the inner world.

What I mean by the inner world is your mind.

The issue is, without having meditated your mind is filled with junk…

The problem is that life is so fast-paced that you rarely get time to clean your mind.

I like to give the analogy, of a fish swimming in a stream…

The fish is your thought, and the stream, is your consciousness, the mistake that is made is humans decide in fact that they are the fish instead of the stream, so they attach themselves to a thought.

If the thought comes into your mind that you are a failure, instead of seeing it separately, you identify with it.

The processing of the thought can be likened to the fish swimming up the stream.

When you do not get to process a thought it's like grabbing the fish out of the water, taking it all the back to the source, and letting it swim up again just to take it out and take it back, resulting in you seeing the same fish(thought) over and over.

It is important to note that it will be difficult for you to create your reality without first having meditated because of all the junk of unprocessed thoughts floating in your mind.

Look at the world around you, technology, and entertainment at every corner of your awareness.

To the extent that, while studying you will play music in the background while taking a walk in nature you will play music in the background, before you go to bed you just have to listen to something.

Why? Ask yourself why?

What is this subconscious obsession you have with escaping silence in activities in which silence is required?

Silence is the pathway to the ego breaking its addiction to chaos.

Here’s a simple meditation that if you do every day will clear your mind.

For 15 minutes daily, you must sit in complete silence.

No music in the background, no TV show or movie playing in the back, no relatives or friends talking in the back, you must find complete silence.

Whether you close your bedroom door or go to the park you must turn away from the noise of the outer world so you can properly listen to the inner world.

You must sit in silence, with your eyes closed, you do not have to sit in a full-lotus you have to be comfortable that is the key, comfortability.

Set a timer on your phone for 15 minutes, and upon setting it, go into the silence.

Let your thoughts simply follow, that is it.

Do not fight your thoughts, do not judge them or categorize them as correct and incorrect simply let them be.

Do not care too much about your breath, breathe as normal.

The more silence, the easier it’ll be to tap into God.

The silent mind hears God the loudest.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before  Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…


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