The Silent Killer Of All Your Manifestations

Apr 14, 2024

You’re walking down the street…

You see a penny between the cracks of the pavement…

Do you pick it up?

Next scenario…

You’re walking down the street…

You see a bag full of cash.

Do I even need to ask the next question?

You’d pick it up…

If you knew it was fully safe, and didn’t belong to the cartel or a crazy drug dealer you’d get it.

Now, if you answered no to picking up the penny but yes to the bag of cash that’s exactly what’s stopping you from manifesting bags of cash.

You'll get a lot of pennies though...

The truth is, you’ve been trying to figure it out for a while now…

Why isn’t it manifesting?

Am I doing something wrong?

Well, if there’s any stopping you from manifesting your desired reality, it’s this one word…

The Serial Killer

The serial killer of your dreams.

Whether you know this or not, you’ve probably been very close to manifesting your desired reality, and then at the last second, it all goes wrong.

Just as you’re about to get there, on the final stretch it just goes wrong.

Truth be told, it doesn’t just go wrong.

It is killed, murdered, and executed.

By whom you ask?


In the world we live in, there are a lot of important things.

Take money for example, it’s very important despite what the “spiritual” people would say.

(Don’t let them play you, Buddha was a prince before becoming enlightened.)

Woke doesn’t have to mean broke.


Besides our basic survival needs, the things that we find important, are only important because the world sold us the idea of it being so, that’s literally it

And this importance is the silent killer of you manifesting your desired reality.

If you keep buying what the world sells you as important you will never truly own it in reality.

Don’t let that go over your head.

Importance is the gap in-between you and your desired reality.

Once it is removed, the gap disappears and your desired reality overlaps with the now.

But before removing it, you have to understand why it is so destructive.

The Two Words You’ve Never Heard Together

Energetic equilibrium.

What the hell does that even mean?

Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m gonna tell you how the universe works yet again.

Energetic equilibrium just means a balance of energy.

Before anything can manifest in reality there must be a balance of energy.

Think about it like a plane…

Before it can reach its destination, calm and balanced winds are most favorable.

Or like a ship…

Before it can reach its destination, calm and balanced waters are most favorable.

It’s the same thing with manifestation.

But, the thing that has to be balanced is your emotions…

Your importance is powerful.

It is a form of energy, it’s your perceived value.

At the heart of all value is emotion, which is energy, and that’s the lifeblood of the universe.


When you place importance on something, you are giving it a large amount of energy.

This large amount of energy creates a large space in-between you and what you want.

Think about it in your own life…

Whenever you’ve really wanted something, it felt like it was running away from you.

I see guys all the time, they really want a girl and so, she pays them no mind at all.

Think of the universe like a pretty girl.

The more you want it, the less she’ll want you.

But the moment you pull back and become cool, calm, and collected…

Flawless victory. Mortal Kombat voice.

Never forget this, importance creates space.

The more importance, the more space, the less importance, the less space.

That’s why it acts like a repellent.

Take It For Granted 

Let’s go back to what I said at the beginning.

You’d probably ignore a penny but pick up the bag full of SAFE cash.


Because what is a penny to you? Probably nothing right?

What about a bag full of cash? Probably a lot right?

And that’s exactly why you won’t have any problems attracting pennies but problems attracting bags of cash.

You take the penny for granted, and that’s the key.

Taking something for granted usually has a bad rep, but it is the master key to unlocking your desired reality.

You take breathing for granted.

There is no importance placed on your breath you expect so much that you don’t even think or look for it.

Do you sit there waiting and expecting the next breath to come?

Of course not, that would mean something is wrong.

You’re looking at your desired reality like a new pair of shoes in the window, and that’s why you ain’t wearing them…

You gotta look at your desired reality like an old pair of shoes that you wear all the time so much that they’re nothing to you now, they’re normal.

Do you think Jeff Bezos would pick up the bag of cash?

Of course not, why? Because a bag of cash to you is a penny to him, there’s no importance.

How Do I Reduce Importance?

Luckily, the answer is simple.

All importance comes from ignorance.

Ignorance of what Nero?

The real reason you want something…

Often when we want more money, a career, a partner, a car, a bag, or a certain point in business we think it’s because we want the thing itself, but that’s not the truth.

The truth is, the only reason you’ll ever want anything in life is because unconsciously it will give you some emotions that you’re currently not experiencing.

From something as small as a burger to a mansion, you just want the emotions that you’ll experience when you get it.

Whether that’s hunger soothed or accomplishment, it’s emotion.

Think about your desired reality deep enough, and you’ll discover that you want to feel something you’re not feeling now.

Whether it’s self-pride, security, peace of mind, love, or accomplishment.

On a base level, you just want to feel different.

And when you truly realize this, then detaching is easy because it’s no longer about you getting the thing itself but it’s about you experiencing the emotions that you would feel in your desired reality, now.

The thing about emotions is that you can trigger them now.

If you find yourself placing importance upon something, that just means you’re not feeling the emotions that you’d feel if you got it.

The true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.


With all that being said, stop chasing that girl and she’ll chase you.

The Only Time Importance Should Be Used

You do need importance though.

You’re probably thinking “This Nero guy is just contradicting himself now.”

Slow down chief, let me explain.

Most people make the mistake of making everything in their life except them important.

This is the quickest path to draining yourself of energy meaning you will have none to mentally invest in your desired reality.

Here’s another revealing question for you…

Who is the most important person in your life?

Is it your parents, partner, children, or friend?

The truth is, if it’s not you will never be able to materialise the reality you want…

You make the mistake of prioritizing others before yourself.

You are the most important person in your reality and your reality does not exist without you.

The universe is forever reacting to the frequency projected by your subconscious mind.

You have to prioritize yourself by making time to program yourself.

You might be currently making more time for your work, or loved ones and that is to prioritize their mind instead of yours

Specifically, prioritize centralizing focus (energy) to molding your mind before anyone else does.

To be selfless, you must first be selfish.

You must be selfish with your mind before you can live in a reality where you can be selfless.

Right now, you probably allow everybody to demand more of you than you demand for yourself.

They need you, you’re there.

If you’re always there for others, when will you be there for the one who creates your reality?

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Grew up with poverty programming? Join over 400 students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This simple course will free your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, forever.

👉🏾 2. FREE Training Video For Entrepreneurs Stuck In A Rut:  I’m hired by 5-7 figure p/m entrepreneurs as their esoteric advisor. I’m the guy they hire when they’re feeling mentally stuck, burned out, constant worry, imposter syndrome, internal chaos, or stuck at a revenue level. Manifest your business goal by simply shifting your frequency.


The Reality That You Want



The Reality That You Deserve



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