The 5 Easiest Ways To Never Manifest Your Desired Reality
May 26, 2024Creating your desired reality is simple.
It’s literally a straight path, and I say this as somebody whose spent 8 years and over 350 books studying this stuff.
Not only that but I’m legit hired by elite entrepreneurs to help them get back into their highest frequency so they can manifest their business goals, if you're an entrepreneur that's interested check this out.
Creating your desired reality is a straight path, and if you follow that path reality will have no choice but to bend to your mind.
However, even though the path is straight it is filled with obstacles…
These obstacles are the mistakes that you’re making right now.
If you weren’t, the universe would have never guided you here, so I guess it’s the perfect synchronicity.
The mistakes you’re making right now when manifesting your desired reality are the only thing stopping it from coming, literally the only thing.
If you could remove them, everything would change.
Luckily for you, I’ve decided to give you the 5 easy ways to never create your desired reality…
Let’s remove those obstacles…
Let The World Convince You Otherwise
If you don’t choose your frequency, the world will choose it for you.
How many people have dreams?
How many people desire to change their reality?
Pretty much most people right?
If that’s the case, then why do so few actually change their reality?
Now, there are lots of answers to this but it always comes down to just this one thing…
And if you could avoid this one thing, your chances of creating desired reality should shift from a matter of if, to a matter of when….
It’s because, without realizing it, they’ve let the world convince them otherwise.
The old world was a battle of physical strength.
The individual that was physically the strongest, collected more resources, and more mates, but as consciousness evolved, the game completely changed.
The new world is a battle of frequency.
The individual with the strongest frequency will have reality-bending to their will, people included, it’s almost like a survival of the fittest but frequency.
Most people do not know that daily, their frequency is being challenged left, right, and center…
And for simplicity's sake, the basis of your frequency in this context is your ability to stay true to your desired reality with full emotional conviction.
As I said, pretty much everyone has a desired reality however the frequency of that vision is overpowered by the world convincing that it’s not possible or they’ll get it later.
And this works in two ways, either through people or the tests of reality.
Let’s start with how people can overpower your frequency…
The first thing you have to realize is that there’s one Earth but there are 8 billion worlds.
Remember this simple equation:
Different frequencies = different languages = different worlds.
As your consciousness begins to rise, your frequency changes and so the way you speak, the way you think, and the way you act and react completely changes which puts you in a new world.
Now, even though you’re in a new world, the people around stay in the old world.
And because you’re in different worlds now, their old frequency will attempt to pull you back into theirs by an attempt to dim your light.
Think about it like this, imagine you’re half asleep, and someone shines a bright light in your face, this is what happens with those around you.
They will try to reduce your light for their benefit, to try to keep you on their frequency.
They don’t always do this on purpose, it’s who they are, it’s just where they are frequency-wise.
They will attempt to mock, misdirect, and minimize the vision of your desired reality.
They’ll plant seeds of doubt, failure, what ifs, and why it won’t work.
The second way the world will try to convince you otherwise is through messing your life up.
For every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
When you strive for positivity, you will experience negativity.
That negativity is the old version of you, it may be the trauma, abuse, or poverty but it is real.
It is alive and exists based on the energy you’ve given it over the years.
It will purposely mess up your life, to create an emotional reaction that resonates with the frequency of the old you.
That's why when you make a major change, it's followed by a pullback.
Every strive has a pullback.
It’s just trying to do one thing.
Get an emotional reaction out of you.
Why? Because when you react to reality, it owns you.
Reacting to reality will make sure you never create your desired reality.
Reaction is to allow the external to imbalance the internal.
An imbalance of the internal ultimately leads to an imbalance in reality, which looks like your reality being chaotic and filled with disharmony.
My point is simple, if reality can get you to abandon the frequency of your desired reality, then you abandon the possibility of that desired reality manifesting.
There are two solutions…
Firstly, is to live in your own world and nobody else's.
If you live in the world you will never manifest what you want.
That’s why you must live in your world.
Read that again.
You need to quite literally create your own bubble and live in it.
Anything that does not align with your desired reality must be filtered out, blocked and ignored.
Stop trying to live in the world, and stop going back and forth with people who aren’t on your frequency.
Create your own world and be consumed by it.
Secondly, instead of reacting, learn to respond.
There’s a difference by the way…
Responding is to allow the internal to balance the external.
A balance of the internal ultimately leads to a balance in reality.
To truly respond, you must frame whatever frustrating or upsetting situation through the lens of your desired reality self.
How would they look at this?
How would they feel?
Each time you put on the lenses of your desired reality, you strengthen that frequency creating that reality.
Make It Important
There’s one word that holds your desired reality in a maximum security prison next to Hannibal Lecter…
It is the serial killer and cannibal of your desired reality…
Your importance is powerful.
It is a form of energy, it’s your perceived value.
At the heart of all value is emotion, which is energy, and that’s the lifeblood of the universe.
When you place importance on something, you are giving it a large amount of energy.
This large amount of energy creates a large space in-between you and what you want.
Think about it in your own life…
Whenever you’ve really wanted something, it felt like it was running away from you.
I see guys all the time, they really want a girl and so, she pays them no mind at all.
Think of the universe like a pretty girl.
The more you want it, the less she’ll want you.
But the moment you pull back and become cool, calm, and collected…
She’s on you.
Never forget this, importance creates a gap.
The more importance, the bigger the gap, the less importance, the smaller the gap.
That’s why it acts like a repellent.
When you collapse that gap, your current reality and your desired reality merge into one.
Take another example with money.
The people that need money the most have it the least and the people that need money the least have it the most.
So if you want to make sure your desired reality never manifests, then keep making it important!
Now assuming you want to manifest your desired reality, you need to remove that gap by removing importance.
But how?
By realizing what it is that you really want.
Often when we want more money, a career, a partner, a car, a bag, or a certain point in business we think it’s because we want the thing itself, but that’s not the truth.
The truth is, the only reason you’ll ever want anything in life is because unconsciously it will give you some emotions that you’re currently not experiencing.
From something as small as a burger to a mansion, you just want the emotions that you’ll experience when you get it.
Whether that’s hunger soothed or accomplishment, it’s emotion.
Think about your desired reality deep enough, and you’ll discover that you want to feel something you’re not feeling now.
Whether it’s self-pride, security, peace of mind, love, or accomplishment.
On a base level, you just want to feel different.
And when you truly realize this, then detaching is easy because it’s no longer about you getting the thing itself but it’s about you experiencing the emotions that you would feel in your desired reality, now.
The thing about emotions is that you can trigger them now.
If you find yourself placing importance upon something, that just means you’re not feeling the emotions that you’d feel if you got it.
The true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.
Try To Figure Out How
How’s gonna it manifest?
Will this happen? Will that happen?
Will it happen like this?
How? How? How?
If I could hear your thoughts, when it comes to manifestation I can guarantee that’s exactly what I’d hear…
And because you’re so fixated on how it’s going to manifest, it won’t…
Did you know that your brain processes about 11 million bits of data per second with the subconscious mind?
But because of the conscious mind, it can process only about 40 bits per second.
Isn’t that insane?
It’s almost like bottling up the water of the ocean into a 500ml bottle.
This is exactly what happens when you think about “how” your desire is going to manifest.
You bottle the infinite ways that your desire could unfold by seeing it through a finite mind.
You have a human mind, which means that your mind is finite. It is limited, it has parameters in which it has to stay in.
However, technically you aren’t who manifests, it is the consciousness of God within you that manifests.
Remember, God is infinite.
Each time you think “how” you are closing off help from the infinite portion of God that is within and is above the illusions of reality meaning it knows exactly how to manifest it.
This is esoterically coded within Matthew 19:26
“But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men(logic) this is impossible, but with God(consciousness) all things are possible.”
When an idea hits our mind due to the left hemisphere of our brain being logical we begin to rationalize, which really and truly is to minimize.
Manifestations are miracles, and there is nothing logical about miracles so why would you rely on logic if you want to manifest?
Manifestation requires you to give up the logic, which means giving up the how.
Do you know better than God?
Unless you’re high on crack cocaine that’s probably a no…
So then why do you attempt to micro-manage God?
Each time that you catch yourself thinking “how”, instead of trying to guess the ways it’ll happen, calmly say to yourself “Don’t worry” and rest in knowing that it is being handled by a force that the universe will bend to.
Try To Figure Out When
“When it will manifest?”
We’ve all asked ourselves one or maybe a million times…
From the day you were born, you were taught the concept of time…
Your birth time was recorded…
You live in a world where you are constantly shown clocks…
Everything is about being on time, but time only exists with our reality and doesn’t outside of it.
The desired reality you want to manifest exists in the Quantum Field, which you can think of as the Amazon warehouse for realities, it exists outside of reality.
And then comes through your subconscious mind which also has no regard for time.
So for you to manifest what you want, you must go to the realm where your desires exist which isn’t the physical plane or reality where you are now limited by time.
But see, the mistake is every time you think “when” you’re sending an error message to the universe and your subconscious mind because they don’t know what when is.
Delete the “when” from your vocabulary then the aspect of God which is above illusion will be free from being caught up in the illusion of time.
Thinking “when” is an indication that you are waiting and technically there is nothing to wait for because everything is happening right now.
Which Segway's smoothly into the next mistake you’re making…
Check Everyday To See If It’s Manifested
Has it happened yet?
Checks phone Checks whatever
You’re waiting for it, don’t lie to me.
The problem is, you’re waiting for something that is never gonna come.
I feel like the universe hides little signs of how it works throughout reality.
Think about a kettle.
Imagine you’re boiling water…
When you’re standing by the kettle waiting for it to boil it feels like half an hour.
Even when you’re cooking rice…
When you’re standing by the pot waiting for it to boil it feels like 5 hours.
That’s why they say “A watched pot never boils.”
No seriously, think about this…
When you’re staring at the clock for anything, it feels like time slows down and just drags extra slow, but the reality is, it’s not moving any quicker or slower, it’s your state of consciousness.
And it’s the same thing when manifesting your desired reality.
When you’re waiting for your desired reality you're making a crucial mistake…
To wait for your desired reality is to confess to the universe that it is not here.
And if it’s not vibrationally here, it can never be physically here because as within, as without not the other way around.
Annoying I know.
You want to manifest, you want reality to change and that’s wrong, so wrong.
That’s not what manifestation is about.
it’s not about shaping reality with your mind or changing it, that’s the definition that the new-agers sold you.
The true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.
This would mean that you’re good with, and without, and if that’s true then there would be nothing to wait for.
Why would there be anything to wait for if you already felt the emotional state reflective of your desired reality?
Do you get it now?
If you’re waiting, whether it’s checking notifications or whatever it may be then that’s an indication that you need to vibrationally realign yourself to the emotions reflective of your desired reality.
That’s it.
Waiting is like a flashing engine sign, use it as an indication to shift internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent on seeing reality change and then and only then, it will.
So if you wanna never manifest your desired reality, keep doing this.
When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:
👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.
👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…