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Reality Mastery Part 1 - The Ego

May 21, 2023

Today, I'm going to show you why you need to master the ego first, as a prerequisite to controlling reality, and how to master the ego.

The path to reality mastery goes as follows:

Control over ego > Control over self > Control over reality

We could say mastering the ego is level 1.

Before actually mastering the ego, we must get a clear understanding of what exactly the ego is.

What is the ego?

When we speak of ego in the esoteric, we are not referring to a socially unaccepted characteristic, but you confined to the physical plane, which revolves around the 5 senses; eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

The ego is the vehicle of the soul, the soul being the driver.

You are not your body, you are simply animating the avatar, which is the ego.

This avatar has been programmed by society, to like a certain kind of music, a certain football team, certain clothes, and certain views on the world.

The ego goes by many names across many different cultures;

To Buddhists, it is the monkey mind.

To Spiritualists, it is the lower self.

To Scientists, it is the reptilian brain (basal ganglia).

To the Religious it is the devil.

To summarise these different perspectives, the ego is the you that seeks to serve its base desires immediately, like an animal and is out of control.

Like an animal seeking to be domesticated, it must be tamed and until it is, it will dominate you.

The ego is the enemy, you are your own greatest foe.

How to master the ego

To take control of reality, we must first have the ability to control the self and before controlling the self, we must control the ego.

To put it simply, the taming of the ego can be reduced to this:

The ability for you to exercise control over your bodily desires, using the will of your mind.

The ability for you to direct your mind and exercise power over whatever the ego wants to do.

Anytime that you put the ego in a circumstance where it wants one thing, and you serve it what YOU want to serve it, that's control.

How I practice ego mastery: Meditation

There is no way you can begin any form of self-mastery without practicing meditation.

Meditation can be seen as turning away from the outer world and focusing on the inner world.

The ego is so used to moving around, being stimulated by our notifications or environmental stimuli that when you sit still in a position for a long duration of time, it begins to crave that stimulation.

It might begin to twitch, or get itchy it wants to move and be stimulated.

The ability for you to hold stillness, and keep your eyes closed is the beginning of dominance over the ego.

A newsletter will be released soon on how to meditate but for now,

Just practice sitting still with your eyes closed for 10 minutes daily.

Watch how your ego will tell you that "something is in front of you, just open your eyes, I think the alarm forgot to ring." etc

I meditate in the sauna because it's an extremely uncomfortable environment for my body and it allows me to exercise great power over it.

How I practice ego mastery: Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting allows one to deprive the ego of a base desire it has, which is to eat.

Intermittent fasting is the practice of fasting for a certain period, so eating is blocked out during certain times of the day.

I do 24-26 hour intermittent fasts, which sounds crazy but start small and exercise that control!

My ego wants to be satisfied, but I tell it no, not yet and it has no choice but to listen.

Remember, with every exertion of control we deploy we are priming the ego to take commands from us which makes programming our minds an easier task.

Once you see the benefits, it'll be hard for you to go back.

How I practice ego mastery: Silence

The art of silence has many benefits, silence is the gateway to God.

But that topic will be for another time.

Silence deprives the ego of an inherent desire we all have and has had from being babies which is to be heard (attention).

We cry for affection and attention, and as we grow that desire remains hidden, people love the ability to express themselves and be heard by others.

Silence puts a halt to that, why do you think monks practice silence?

Ego deprivation!

That's what it all comes down to, the practice of silence disconnects one from one of the most primal urges we have which is to be social, we evolved as social communal beings.

Practice going through periods of the day where you do not speak to those you may live with or talk with frequently, tell them you’re mastering reality!

How I practice ego mastery: Establish your word as law

The mind and the body are partners, when there is harmony within, there is harmony without, and when there’s disharmony, oh boy, oh boy.

The mind and body keep score, of your ability to follow through on the ideas you have and the words you tell yourself.

For example, “I am going to wake up at 7 am.”

You have now set an instruction that must be followed for trust to be developed between the mind and body.

The more trust between the mind and body, the more harmony and the more control we establish over the ego.

Now, if you do not follow through on your words, ideas or the tasks that you set yourself then your mind and body begin to lose trust in one another and hence our main aim becomes difficult.

Whatever it is, establish your word as LAW.

Establishing your word as the law is completely crucial to ego control, remember YOU'RE THE BOSS.

The mind is used to getting away with a lot of promises it never intends to keep.

Whether it’s waking up at a certain time, going through your finances, calling your mom, doing the work you set for yourself, or paying your friend back IT IS LAW.

You now have all the tools I have used, and many others have used.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before  Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…


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