Read This If You've Woke Up In The Last 8 Years
Jun 09, 2024Welcome to your new dangerous life.
See, you’ve had a spiritual awakening and there’s something you don’t realize…
You’ve just stepped into a whole new world eager to make you fall back asleep, and many do.
All it takes is one look at all the “spiritual” people.
Funnily enough, they’re the least spiritual but I’ll get back to that…
In 8 years and over 350 books worth of study, I’ve struck gold and I’ve also struck dirt so I figured let me give you a heads up about “waking” up because it's not easy…
Don't let all the people online eating mangoes in the sun barefoot on grass fool you.
You’re In A Whole New World
There’s one earth, but there’s 8 billion worlds…
Whether you realize this or not, you’re not in the same world that you were in a year ago.
The moment your soul chose to guide you into this new realm of information, something happened that you didn’t realize…
You entered a completely different world.
Most people think that we all live in the same world, and as always most people are wrong…
I want you to think about the universe like a school.
In a school. even though all the students are in the same place, they’re separated into different sets or rooms based on their level of understanding.
It’s no different with the universe.
The moment you awakened to the understanding that the unseen influences the seen, your frequency changed, and so your world changed.
You’re no longer on the same frequency as your family…
And that’s okay.
You’re no longer on the same frequency as your friends…
And that’s okay.
You’re no longer on the same frequency as your loved ones…
And that’s okay.
Your frequency determines the world that you live in.
And that’s okay.
Your frequency determines the language you speak.
And that’s okay.
You no longer speak the same language as those around you.
And that is okay.
Imagine if somebody who only speaks Zulu met someone who only speaks Mandarin, they would have a hard time understanding each other, and it’s the same with frequencies.
Now, the only reason I’m telling you this is to save you the frustration and pain you will experience by trying to get them to understand.
it’s not their fault, it’s not that they don’t care, they can’t understand you.
You didn’t choose to understand this, it chose you but because you think you chose it so you expect others to do the same, but it isn’t like that.
If you don’t make peace with the fact that you’re no longer in the same world as those around you, then you will go into their world to be understood and what this means absorbing their frequency.
Can I ask you something?
Do you want to live in the frequency of those around you?
I knew I didn’t, so, I made peace with looking “antisocial” or “bouje.”
And it’s natural that as your frequency rises, those who you once shared a world with are going to begin to look at you differently, maybe even start to resent you, and guess what…
And that’s okay.
The universe purposely isolates you as your frequency rises because solitude is an incubation for growth, self-exploration, and self-mastery.
Use it.
Love it.
Master it.
“For many are called, but few are chosen.” ~ Matthew 22:14
Don’t Become One Of Them
Do I really wanna wear that?
Do I really wanna speak like that?
Do I really wanna never drink Hennessey?
Do I really wanna never eat at a Family BBQ?
Do I really wanna never play Hot Nigga by Bobby Shmurda again?
After endless hours watching every video on spirituality I could, it seemed like I was faced with a tough choice…
Stay myself or become someone else.
Due to my level of study, I can quickly gauge whether somebody knows what they’re talking about or if they know nothing and are just pretending…
And as you can imagine, there are a lot of pretenders, a lot.
Funnily enough, it’s these pretenders that give the word “spiritual” a bad rep.
More often than not, they’re wearing five crystals, are vegan, never say good morning but only grand rising, rename themselves as a honeydew lunar goddess, burn leaves they have no idea of, and are really part of a cult.
I grew up in the ghetto, so to me all that spiritual shit seemed hella corny and there was no way I was throwing my Jordan 11s away for sandals, anyway...
Now looking back, I did one of the most spiritual things you could ever do…
Be who you really are.
When most people wake up, without realizing it they soon end up in another religion.
They’ll tell you that you can’t be spiritual if you eat meat…
They’ll tell you that you can’t be spiritual if you listen to rap music…
They’ll tell you that you can’t be spiritual if you don’t wear crystals…
And they’re clowns.
Most of them have barely read 20 books, let alone nearly 400 like your boy over here ;).
But more than clowns, by being “spiritual” they’re being the complete opposite of spiritual.
What these guys don’t realize is that spirituality isn’t a personality.
And whether they realize it or not, to them that’s exactly what it is, an outfit.
They’ll post themselves in nature, barefoot on grass, reading books, eating alkaline food but still have no understanding of the universe outside, and inside of them, let alone how to rearrange it.
Which brings me to my ultimate point.
Never trust anybody who makes spirituality their personality.
I don’t trust anybody who makes anything their personality, and we all know a specific person who makes something their personality and it’s unbearable.
Personality comes from the word, persona which is just the social mask people wear.
The mask that we wear is a part of the ego, which is the opposite of spirituality.
So much so, that this is the battle described by ancient myths and religious texts.
It has little to do with actual spiritual progression.
It’s still an ego game, just a less obvious one.
The most “spiritual” thing you can do is to uncover who you really are.
To know thyself is the epitome of spirituality, it’s not about eating alkaline, walking barefoot on grass, sitting in the sun, or calling yourself a goddess.
You can eat oxtail, drink rum, wear Jordans on grass, and say good morning if you want, so long as you’re exploring the depths of your mind and soul, seeking elevation constantly, and know how to rearrange your Youniverse.
All that shit is useless if you don’t understand the bricks that built who you are, and how to replace or rearrange those bricks to master the universe within and without.
Spirituality without controlling your reality is vanity.
Not Every Thought Leads To Creation
How many people think about being rich their whole lives but die poor?
I thought all the spiritual said all you have to do is control your thoughts.
Clearly not.
Not all thoughts are equal.
I remember when I first got into all this spiritual stuff and I began to understand the power of my mind and thoughts…
Each time I had a negative thought I would get so worried and scared because I knew the power of my thoughts which would make me more worried.
Now, I think about it, it’s quite a funny cycle.
And I’m gonna guess the same happens to you right?
You get a negative thought then get another negative thought about having your negative thought manifesting?
Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s okay, don’t worry it’s not gonna manifest.
Like with everything else in this space, there’s this hyper-fixation on positive thinking, which don’t get me wrong is valuable but it can turn into toxic positivity…
Having a negative thought doesn’t mean it’s going to manifest, as I said earlier, not all thoughts are equal.
The manifestation industry will tell you that is your thoughts alone that create reality, and this is a lie.
Only a special kind of thought creates reality…
That special kind is thoughts that are emotionally charged.
The most emotionally charged thoughts, beliefs, mental images, and imagination will always be reflected in reality.
Lock into what I’m about to say…
Emotion is the language of God.
It is an emotion that, alters the vibration of your mental activities enough to cause them to materialize on the physical plane.
If there is no emotion behind it, it won’t manifest and if there is, it always will.
Plus, it’s more than that…
Manifestation is a quantum phenomenon which means it’s probability-based.
The emotionally charged thoughts that are consistently repeated over a long period of time are likely to manifest, but that doesn’t mean they will.
So when you get a random thought like:
“What would happen if I died right now?”
You don’t have to worry, it doesn’t work like that.
Imagine how chaotic the world would be if every thought we had instantly manifested, it would be madness.
Money Is Spiritual
Woke don't mean broke, fuck that.
What does spiritual mean?
With a word used by many, it is understood by few.
Spiritual does not mean holy or good because there’s bad spiritual stuff out there that is very real.
Spiritual is simply a reference to the unseen.
The underlying energy behind reality is hidden from the eyes.
Everything is energy.
Everything is made from matter.
Matter is made from a collection of particles.
Particles are simply the materialization of wave potentials.
Wave potentials are another name for consciousness.
And consciousness at its core is energy.
Money itself being energy, as I explained earlier, means it is part of God.
Religions argue about the identity of God (foolishly), but the one thing in common they all have is the idea that God created everything.
All energies are part of the God-force, and money being an energy means it is part of the God-force.
The way I define spirituality is the degree to which you can integrate yourself and become aligned with God-Force, Universal Life Energy, Infinite Intelligence, Creator, Allah, or Yahweh.
The Creator is infinite, which means abundance is reflective of The Creator's nature.
Look around at nature, more fruits are grown than we can eat, so much so that God created a purpose for uneaten fruit that falls back onto the ground.
As a creation of the creator, having that divine spark within you means that abundance is your birthright…
Due to the technological advancement of humanity, money can be seen as the scale that determines how close you are to abundance (God) reflected in your bank account.
The whole idea of poverty being linked to spiritual reward was a scam given to the masses centuries ago.
The royals and priests bathed in wealth, while the masses bathed in poverty and began to question authority.
Those in power would say, “Don’t worry you shall be compensated for your struggle in heaven" or you're a better person but that's nonsense.
Be as rich as you can, and put the survival mind to sleep so the God-mind can awaken.
That being said, go be spiritual.
When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:
👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.
👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…