Manifesting is easy AF
Mar 17, 2024
You don’t know what manifestation is and I’m gonna prove it.
Manifestation is easy as fuck.
Yeah, I said it.
It seems so cheeky that I say it’s easy right?
Because it is.
This article might put a dent in my business but I don’t care it’s time you realize how easy it is even if you never buy my products.
WARNING: This is also going to destroy everything you think know about manifestation...
So if you’re not ready for that then I suggest you leave.
Still here? Cool, let’s roll.
The Business Of Manifestation
Fuck it, I’m gonna be real with you.
They don’t care about you.
Before you learn the real truth about what manifestation is, you have to learn how you got into this mess to begin with or you’re just gonna stay struggling.
Manifestation is a business.
Don’t think for a second because it’s “spiritual” people they aren’t focused on their bread because they are.
It’s a business so, the customers must remain customers for as long as possible.
It’s almost like how a hospital needs sick people to remain in business.
It’s the same with manifestation.
They’re no different from church pastors who drain the pockets of their members telling them that they’re gonna receive in heaven. It’s the same thing just rebranded.
They’re never gonna give you the full picture.
Why would they?
Then you wouldn’t need them anymore and that means, they wouldn’t get your money anymore.
So what do they do?
They get you focused on stuff that works sometimes, but never really works.
All so you can go running to them for guidance and they slap you with a lovely bill of abundance and say “No this is the REAL method, the old one doesn’t work.”
You’d think the universe has software updates honestly.
But game is game, it’s business.
They purposely overcomplicate it so they can be the bridge to your desired reality.
Create a problem, provide a solution, that kinda sounds like the Eli— never mind.
Anyways, you’re never gonna find out what manifestation really is, well that is until now…
What Is Manifestation?
You tell me.
Pause for a moment and answer it.
Is manifestation creating my reality? Nope.
Is manifestation controlling my reality? Nope.
Is it manifestation bending reality with my thoughts? Nope.
Is manifestation taking what’s in my mind and bringing it into reality? Nope.
Everybody has the wrong definition.
And it makes sense, that’s why everybody is still struggling to manifest.
Now there are 2 parts to this so focus.
The first part is that manifestation is simply the reflection of your most emotionally charged mental activity.
When I say mental activity I am referring to your thoughts, beliefs, mental images, and imagination.
The manifestation industry will tell you that is your thoughts alone that creates reality, and this is a lie.
Only a special kind of thought creates reality…
That special kind is thoughts that are emotionally charged.
The most emotionally charged thoughts, beliefs, mental images, and imagination will always be reflected in reality.
Lock into what I’m about to say…
Emotion is the language of God.
Because of this, it alters the vibration of your mental activities enough to cause them to materialize on the physical plane.
Remember this simple rule:
If there is no emotion behind it, it won’t manifest and if there is, it always will.
Now the second part…
Luckily for you, I’ve:
- Read over 350+ books on the topic
- Spent 8 years of trial and error doing everything
- Become an esoteric advisor hired by entrepreneurs making 5-7 figures per month.
Which means I’m about to give you the answer they’ll never tell you…
The true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.
Hopefully, that gave you a lightbulb moment, and if it didn’t then read it again.
If you can get that one thing alone you’ll never have to watch another manifestation video in your life again, and that’s no exaggeration.
They sell you the idea that manifestation is about something taking place outside of you, but here’s another thing they’ll never tell you.
There is no outside of you.
You are the universe, a small reflection of it.
Thousands of years ago, an entity called Thoth also known as Enoch, Mercury, K'uk'ulkan, Hermes, and The Prophet Idris gave 7 universal laws.
One of them stated, “As within, as without.”
Those 4 words show you the sequence of how reality is generated.
It is from the within first, there can be no outer change until there is first inner change.
The mirror will never smile before you do.
But then, it’s like “Okay I get Nero, but how do I manifest what I want?”
Well, let me tell you…
How Do I Manifest?
You already do.
Read that again.
You’ve been manifesting your entire life you’re doing it at this moment right now.
See that’s another lie they sold you.
The idea that manifestation is something to do, instead of something you already do.
Imagine someone trying to sell you on how to breathe…
See how silly that it is?
Manifestation is like breathing.
You do it 24/7 just unconsciously but it’s not until I point that out that you become aware of your breathing and some focus shifts there.
That’s the same with manifestation, the first step is realizing that you’ve been on autopilot.
Have you never noticed that when you know something about to happen it does?
Have you never noticed when you think about someone, they’ll either call you or message you?
Have you never noticed that when you’re shopping for something online, you start seeing it in person?
You’ve been doing it forever.
Now you probably wanna know how to manifest what you want right?
Well first, you need to know the best technique…
What Is The Best Manifestation Technique?
Is it affirmations?
Is it visualization?
Is it vision boards?
Is it writing your goals down as if they’re done?
It’s none of them.
You haven’t discovered the best technique and most never will…
The best manifestation technique is you.
None of those techniques actually work. Yeah, they don’t.
It is the energy that you pour into them that activates them to work.
The emotional conviction that you have that it will work is the only thing that makes it work.
If you don’t realise this quickly you will become a cash cow for whoever can target your ignorance.
There is no secret method or technique, it’s all you.
The industry will sell you shiny objects, and you’ll fall for them if you don’t realize that you are the shiniest object.
It’s all a scam. Wake up.
So what technique will work?
Whichever one you believe in, so that’s for you to decide.
For me it’s visualisation, so I’ll give you my process that my clients pay me thousands for free…
- Define with crystal clear clarity what you want.
- Enter a meditative relaxed state by laying down on a bed or chair, and wait until you’re completely relaxed.
- Only when you feel so relaxed, visualize yourself being congratulated by a loved one for manifesting what you want. See their face, hug them, hear their voice as clear as song.
- Keep the scene for less than 10 seconds and loop it over and over.
- Feel the emotions come to the surface and immerse yourself into them until you feel like you’re using effort, then stop.
- When your eyes open, you are in your desired reality until you break the thought.
- Throughout the day, inject the thoughts you’d have in your desired reality and feel the emotions you’d feel now.
That’s it.
Don’t the simplicity of that fool you.
That recipe taps into 2/3 of the languages of the subconscious mind, repetition, and emotion.
That’s how you get into the club.
Now, it’s just a matter of, "How long will it take to manifest what I want?"
How Long Does It Take To Manifest?
How long does it take to manifest?
That depends on your definition of manifestation…
Unfortunately, most people think to manifest is to change reality.
So they wait, and wait and it never comes…
Never forget what I’m about to say…
All manifestations are instant.
From the moment you begin to live as if you’re in the reality you want until you stop is the time it takes.
From the moment you put the shoes on, till you take them off.
Remember, the true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.
And the funny thing is, when you truly shift within you’ll be good with your desired reality and without it, and it’s that frequency of not needing which will make it manifest.
You now know what the manifestation industry will never tell you, good luck.
It's easy AF, I told you.
When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:
👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.
👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…