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How To Go To Heaven Without Dying

Dec 03, 2023

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” ~ Matthew 6:33

That one verse holds the key to the manifestation of all your desires.

It’s simple…

All you have to do is “seek first the kingdom of God.”

But where is the kingdom of God?

What even is the kingdom of God?

Billions of people across the world are misled.

They have been taught that heaven is a cosmic geographical location somewhere in the afterlife.

This lie is sold by religious institutions.

By the end of this newsletter, you will come into the hidden esoteric wisdom of how to access heaven without dying and have “all these things added to you.”

Esoteric Vs Exoteric

For you to truly understand this without me triggering cognitive dissonance or you thinking I’m a new-age, deceived, or a demonic warlock, foundations must be set accordingly.

Throughout history, those in power have always strived to maintain a clear power gap between them and the masses.

That power gap isn’t money, it’s knowledge, specifically esoteric knowledge.

In the past, education was only reserved for the royals and it’s the same with the true hidden meaning of religious scripture.

The true hidden meanings were reserved for the “initiated” which were typically the priests or selected members of the royals.

This meant that the masses received a completely different teaching on religious scripture compared to the “initiated.”

These secret teachings were called the “esoteric” teachings.

The esoteric view is more aligned with metaphysical, symbolical, metaphorical, and mystical interpretations, it is never literal.

The irony is, 90% of religious people see their scriptures as only literal as it’s what they’ve been taught…

Remember, the esoteric teachings were only taught to the initiated, the public was taught what is considered “exoteric” teachings.

Now, it is likely that when it comes to the interpretation of religious scripture you are more familiar with the exoteric having learnt through the religious institutions.

Unfortunately, the religious institutions are businesses first.

Meaning, they must structure their business in a way that keeps them profitable.

This is maintained by keeping you reliant upon them so they can continuously extract your resources, whether belief, attention, or money.

As a result, exoteric interpretation views all religious scripture as separate and literal, that’s it.

To clarify and reiterate when it comes to religious interpretation, there are 2 worlds;

  1. The world for everybody (exoteric).
  2. The secret world for initiated few (esoteric).

The image below shows it perfectly:

The exoteric is like slop, it soothes the appetite but it provides no true nutritional benefit.

The esoteric is like raw vegetables, it’s hard to swallow but it provides extreme nutritional benefits (lol I’m not a vegan I ate a steak yesterday)

Now, you have the foundations let’s get to heaven…

The Hidden Teachings Of Christ On Heaven

You were likely taught that heaven is a geographical location in the afterlife that can only be entered upon meeting strict criteria, that’s what 98% believe.

Well, there is one verse in the Bible that collapses this whole idea entirely.

“nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” ~ Luke 17:21

Hold up…

Christ(consciousness) stated very plainly that the kingdom of God is within you.

This idea contradicts what religious institutions have been marketing to the masses for centuries, and I emphasize on “market.”

For more context, Christ was talking to his people and explaining how others will come point you to a place and say “Heaven is there”, but do not fall for it because is heaven.

Christ was against the religious institutions which are doing the exact same thing they’ve been doing for centuries which is pointing you away from yourself…

The idea of haven being within you should lead to a restructuring and redefining of what heaven is.

How can you go to a place that is within you?

How is it that when you die you will go to heaven but Christ says it is within you?

These are the questions that naturally come to mind which will be answered shortly…

Taking it to the next level, in the lost gospel of Thomas, Christ states the same concept.

“Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky are closer than you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish already know it. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outside of you.”

This excerpt from The Gospel Of Thomas only doubles down on the initial point made in Luke.

So what is heaven then?

Well, let me tell you what the priests kept from your ancestors for centuries…

What Is Heaven If Not A Place?

Heaven is not a place in the afterlife…

Heaven is not a cosmic geographical location…

Heaven is not a club that you get entry to based on spirit points…

Heaven is a state of mind…

Heaven is a state of being…

Heaven is a state of consciousness…

Heaven has a higher vibrational frequency...

Chances are you’ve heard this said before but said without detail, well allow me…

Heaven is a state of bliss, an inner calm and loving peace.

There’s been times in your life when your mind has entered this state where you feel like you’re walking on a cloud.

You’ve even lost track of time.

It is like a natural euphoria will conquer every aspect of you.

It is a state where nothing is desired because you feel complete.

It is a vibrational point within you that is unlocked when your emotions and thoughts are like the calm waters of the sea.

Heaven is the joy of a child, with no worry or anxiety for the future of the past but collapse in time for the feeling is too fine.

“And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them 3 and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” ~ Matthew 18:2-3

It is being so consumed in the now that the idea of the future or past no longer holds you captive.

While operating from a point of unconditional love, a calm mind, and an unshakeable stability of emotions, heaven is unlocked and entered.

The point is, that it has nothing to do with anything external, it is all about the internal.

In this state of being, the world is forced to submit to your frequency which is too powerful and your desires unfold much easier from this state, manifesting effortlessly.

To reiterate, well-being and an internal state of calm are not effects of your manifestation as you think, but they are prerequisites for your manifestations.

For a ship to reach its destination, calm waters are most favourable.

“But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” ~ Matthew 6:33

Does this make more sense now?

Seek first a needless, calm, and secure state of mind, and your desires will come to you.

How To Enter Heaven Now

Truth be told I lied to you…

You do need to die to go to heaven.

But it is a death to your current reality.

A death to your worries…

A death to your thinking…

A death to your current viewpoint of reality…

A death to your current state of consciousness…

A death to the things you allow to capture your attention…

A death to the things you allow to imbalance your internal calm…

This is what Jesus meant in John 3:3 when he said “Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

To be born again isn’t to do with baptism but to be cleansed of your current identity and to start afresh with a clean state of mind as a baby does when it is born.

Here’s how to enter heaven without dying:

  1. Daily meditation.

This will train you to dissociate yourself from your thoughts and feelings.

It will also strengthen your ability to acquire an internal stillness, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

  1. Daily self-analysis.

A critical self-analysis should highlight the aspects of your reality that can sway you out of heaven through negative emotional reactions.

The more you know yourself, the better you are prepared for the war to destroy your heaven.

  1. Daily self-purification.

It is imperative that you can transmute the poison which is negative thoughts and emotions into nectar positive thoughts and emotions.

You do this with your perception. (Watch my YouTube video on perception for more).

  1. Develop loving the world unconditionally and the world will love you back.

Through the unlocking of the heart chakra, you allow the mind of Christ to take over.

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:” ~ Philippians 2:5-7

That being said, enjoy heaven.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Grew up with poverty programming? Join over 500 students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This simple course will free your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


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