The Superpower Of Being Alone

Nov 05, 2023

What’s one thing that Christ, Krishna, The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Lao Tzu, and Buddha all have in common?

They embraced being alone, and at that point, they heard God.

Have you ever felt alone on this journey of spiritual elevation?

Sometimes you feel like there’s no one to turn to and you’re the only person in the world.

There’s no one you can really express how you see the world, and truly bounce ideas off.

The truth is, this is all by cosmic design, you are the black sheep that is meant to be alone.

The social hive-mind makes being alone seem like something for losers but solitude is the path for those awakened caterpillars to readily transform into butterflies.

By the end of this article, you will see why the universe purposely isolates you as you begin to awaken and spoiler alert, it’s so you have the best conditions possible to elevate your mind…

Being with others stunts growth

All of humanity's problems, stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Pascal

The profound quote above highlights an aspect of humanity that you’ve shied away from, and that is your discomfort with being alone.

The little child still exists within you, desperately seeking to play with others and be part of the gang.

In childhood being alone is associated with negativity and so you spend your whole adult life not wanting to feel that rejection.

Here’s the thing, being part of a collective puts your spiritual elevation in a tough spot because to operate within society you need a persona, which is a mask.

Almost every interaction that you have in society is done while wearing a social mask and here’s another thing, you are just a mask that God is wearing and to uncover the truth we must take off the mask.

Truth be told, the only time the mask ever truly comes off is when you are alone, and once we fully remove the mask it puts you in a position to detach from the ego and integrate into the God-self.

So in a way, hanging with people means you have your mask on which means you’re not operating from your true self but an artificial self.

It’s kind of like how the most miserable people are those who always need to be around other people.

Believe it or not, most people are terrified of being alone, and I was always perceptive of this in people from when I was young (life of an only child).

Being alone is such a punishment, that even in prison (which is already a punishment in itself) inmates are further punished with solitary confinement because they the average person when left alone will go mad.

An indisputable fact is that to be alone is the truest form of bravery.

Sometimes you like your own company, and this is where the superpower exists.

Being alone accelerates growth

“The highest form of a human being is to be in solitude with him or herself.” ~ Carl G. Jung

When you are alone, the social mask is off and you are truly the authentic self and it is within the authentic self that great spiritual capabilities exist.

This is why when you wake up, the universe makes it almost impossible for you to truly be comfortable around others, it’s like part of waking up is disliking being with people, it’s strange.

Whether you wanna call it the Universe/God/God-self/Higher-self it seems like this force purposely wants you alone and this is because it has an elevated perspective on what you need to become aligned with God.

“Different frequencies = Different languages = Different worlds.” ~ Nero (yes I self-quote)

Being alone presents the opportunity for growth because solitude is an incubation for growth.

Part of the growth is self-confrontation with the aspects of yourself that have been repressed to avoid the pain or because it’s not liked by society.

Often when you are alone, your demons come out which is good, not because it allows you to fight them, but because it allows you to talk to them, understand them, and then elevate beyond them.

Being alone is almost addictive which means the less you will desire or care about societal approval which is good because it allows you to detach from the hive-mind thinking and become intellectually independent.

You also then become more aware, of how detached people truly are from themselves.

In states of being alone, you are in silence, and this practice of silence opens the door for you to be conquered by serenity and a sense of inner calm, simultaneously silence is the gateway to reality and God.

Being alone further presents an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection which positions you to properly arrange the bricks of your mind.

Solitude is the portal to self-love because how can you love yourself if you cannot be alone?

How can you know yourself if you cannot be alone?

The universe isolates purposely to have full control of the molding of your consciousness and you should be grateful for that.

How to be alone

Across all spiritual masters, from Yeshua, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Buddha, Krishna, and Lao Tzu they all embraced being alone because it is the silence you can hear God.

  1. Do not see being alone as a negative, see it as the best positive because the universe has a more elevated perspective beyond your ego which is seeking approval.
  2. Practice sitting alone daily in silence, the amount of time is up to you because don’t make it easy.
  3. Capitalize on the time being alone, using it for introspection, self-discovery, self-programming, and self-purification of the mind through silent, non-judgemental observation of thought.

The silent mind can hear God the loudest.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

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👉🏾 2. FREE Training Video For Entrepreneurs Stuck In A Rut:  I’m hired by 5-7 figure p/m entrepreneurs as their esoteric advisor. I’m the guy they hire when they’re feeling mentally stuck, burned out, constant worry, imposter syndrome, internal chaos, or stuck at a revenue level. Manifest your business goal by simply shifting your frequency.


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