You Create Spirits, Here's How!
Oct 22, 2023Would you believe me if I told you that you create spirits?
Furthermore, would you believe me if I told you that you’ve been doing it your whole life and in fact, you are doing it at this exact moment?
It is a shocking truth that you do create entities unconsciously and on autopilot.
It is a more shocking truth that these entities are powerful enough to sway the direction of your reality, without you even knowing…
Whether negatively or positively you will find out at some point in this article.
Great danger lies ahead for those who are unaware of the entities that they create.
Great spiritual mastery lies ahead for those who consciously create their entities.
The thing is, you already know some entities, but you just don’t know they’re living entities…
But, let’s not waste any more time, even though it’s an illusion…
Defining the basis of a spiritual entity
It is often stated that everything in the world was first thought before becoming “real” and it’s no different with entities…
The 1st Hermetic universal law states that “The Universe is mental.”,
This doesn’t just stop at a material level, but extends to the immaterial, meaning the spiritual.
Remember it is the immaterial that comes before the material.
Within the encapsulation of the universe is the spiritual plane which at its core is also a mental creation.
This is the foundation of how spiritual entities are first formed, mentally.
Let’s define a spiritual entity first.
A spiritual entity can be seen as a conscious, living form of intelligence that is immaterial meaning it has no physical properties, it is less dense in vibration than you.
Here’s how you already create entities
Entity creation has nothing to do with blood sacrifices or scary rituals…
This dramatization is purposely done by Hollywood to dissociate the possibility of you even conceiving that you create entities in the first place.
Entities are created from the combination of thought forms and emotional energy.
A thought form can be seen as a collection of repeated thoughts, it’s that simple.
Emotional energy is simply a strong emotion, which can be at either side of the poles.
Whether negative or positive, the only requirement is for it to be a strong emotion.
When consistent thought forms are combined with your consistent emotional energy the creation of an entity begins.
The mind can be seen as the womb in which this entity begins to form but the formation begins on the spiritual plane.
After the minimum viable energy is acquired, the entity is birthed and now is alive.
I’ll give you a small example of this for now until later when I’ll go into more detail.
A common entity that you’ve created is the “Why always me?” entity.
This line is used after the frustration, despair, and annoyance due to a series of negative events...
You believe you’re undeserving of or specifically targeted and victimized by the world...
Upon this line being verbally, mentally, and emotionally repeated an investment of thought form and emotional energy creates an entity that seeks to maintain this idea.
You do not have ideas, ideas have you.
Technically, one could argue that no entity is created but with your consciousness, you become a beacon of light which attracts entities based on your vibratory rate.
Think about like your thoughts and emotions opening portals for entities to stick to you.
The collective creation of entities
Ever thought the Simpsons predicted the future?
They don’t predict it, they create it and this is how…
Imagine if each thought you had was equated to a stone that you dropped in the same area every hour for a year straight.
It’s conservative to say that after a year you’d have a small mountain, and that’s just you alone.
Imagine if 100 million people joined you in the same act, there would be mountains within hours!
This is how the collective creates hive-mind entities.
The process of entity creation does begin with one person however, multiple people can be synchronized into the creation process.
This not only creates quicker but it creates bigger, which means more powerful.
All that is required is for the collective to have concentrated similar thought forms and consistent emotional energy into a focal point.
Unlike the individually created entity that is only tied to you, the collective entity is tied to society.
Collective entities are more powerful due to the larger investment of thought forms and energy meaning their effects are greater, and their expiration is unlikely.
Collective entities are powerful enough to sway the events of the world by molding the collective perception, which is why the media machines are always synchronized.
When thinking of collective entities think of Nazi Germany…
Earlier I mentioned the Simpsons, many believe Kobe's death(Rest In Peace the God) was planned due to being in the Simpsons years ago.
I lean more towards the idea of it being due to a collective entity from the synchronization of many watching it and this is used heavily by shows that reflect reality.
It’s almost like how sci-fi is a prediction of the future due to the collective consciousness being molded…
Examples of entitles
Earlier I told you that you already know some entities, so here they are….
Being broke is an entity, so is being unlucky, and so is being ugly.
Due to the Hermetic Universal Law of polarity, their opposites also exist at the other end, so being rich is an entity, so is being lucky and so is being attractive.
They are just ideas masked as truths, and ideas are truly entities.
This is what I meant earlier when I said, you don’t have ideas, they have you.
At each moment in your reality, you can choose which entity you are cultivating and growing.
Other less obvious examples include; the market, social media algorithms, work, or the streets.
Anything that people speak of as if it has personality or character traits is a living entity that they will experience depending upon what that entity's frequency embodies.
Rules of the entity
There are rules to the game, and not knowing them means you lose every time no matter what you do, so let’s learn the game.
Entities cannot live for any other reason than what it was created for.
Even more, it doesn’t want any other purpose it’s like a robotic spirit.
It’s simply following its program, and it doesn’t adhere to the human illusion of morality, so don’t expect sympathy from it.
Unfortunately, once an entity is alive, it enjoys living which means it will do everything in its power to remain alive with you.
Think about it like a spiritual parasite, it lives off you as its host, it feeds off your emotional energy.
Because it wants your emotional energy it will sway the events in your reality to gain your attention.
Remember, where attention goes, energy flows and it will always strike to provoke an emotional reaction.
It is addicted to your emotions so it will do anything to get them.
It’s smart, so it creates a reward-punishment game with you without even realizing it.
When you are obedient and remain within its paradigm of thinking it will reward you with comfortability and an ego boost of feeling “right.”
“See I told you, it never goes right me” is a clear example of this.
When you attempt to think beyond it or disassociate yourself from it, then it will punish you by making things get worse in reality until you fall back into the thinking line.
Also upon trying to leave its paradigm of thinking it will cause others around you to project negativity onto you so you conform to their love, it’s all manipulation.
It’s intelligent, but remember there’s nothing to worry about you’re its creator.
The steps to calculate entity creation
Unfortunately, there is no way to stop creating or attracting entities, it’s part of the contract your spirit signed becoming to earth as a creator.
However, there is a way in which you can make sure the only entitles you have are ones that are serving you positively in reality and contributing to what you desire to manifest.
- Recognize the collective and individually adopted beliefs you have.
- Swift from seeing them as truths to ideas as entities.
- Now with the awareness of the entities you have, live consciously knowing the potential ways they are sustained by your thoughts and emotions.
- Using the Hermetic Universal Law of polarity focus on the opposite pole of the entities you are currently experiencing. For example, if feel yourself to be unlucky, shift to the belief that you are a lucky person and mentally state it regularly with emotion. This shifts energy from one entity to another.
- Maintain serene confidence and do not fall into the emotional provoking of the egregore.
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