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Are You Spending Or Investing?

Oct 01, 2023

What’s the difference between spending and investing?

Well, depending on what you’re doing you’ll either be in a reality of poverty and failure or wealth and prosperity.

Everything in reality should be seen as an investment.

Are you spending or investing in the universal currencies of; attention, thought, and emotion(energy in motion)?

Read about the universal currencies of God first, read it here.

98% of the world is spending these currencies instead of investing them.

You can either be a spender or an investor, there is no other option the universe forces one.

The spenders

To spend is to give without the expectation of a return.

Most of the world frivolously gives their attention, thought, and emotion to whatever.

The world can get the spenders to throw their attention, thoughts, and emotions on the latest trends, entertainment, negative news, worldly events, and celebrity gossip.

There is no mindful or calculated consideration before giving these universal currencies, most of the time they are unaware.

The investors

To spend is to give with the expectation of a return.

Few freely give their attention, thought, and emotion to only things that reflect the reality they wish to live into.

The world has a hard time trying to get investors to throw their attention, thoughts, and emotions into the latest trends, entertainment, negative news, worldly events, and celebrity gossip.

Everything is mindful or a calculated consideration before giving these universal currencies.

Small paradigm shift

Now let me ask you, are you majority a spender or an investor?

If you don’t know which you are, then you’re more than likely a spender.

Small shifts can lead to major changes in reality.

The first step is to become a conscious investor of the universal currencies you were blessed with and not to waste them.

Are the thoughts you're having contributing to the manifestation of your goals?

Is what you're paying attention to contributing to the manifestation of your goals?

From today, start investing and the universe has no choice but to give you the return on investment you want.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


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