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Affirmations Keep You Poor

Jun 18, 2023

I'm going to explain to you why affirmations probably haven't worked for you, and why they probably won't ever work for you.

Affirmations while having ancient spiritual origins, have become the latest trend for the "New Age Spiritualists", and as popular as they are, they don't seem to be working for people.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the inner workings of the subconscious mind and so use will remain bound no matter how many times they repeat to themselves in the mirror.

You might feel offended during this article, and that's good because that means I am talking to you, and clearly you wouldn't be here if you were manifesting all fine and dandy!

Why affirmations aren't effective

Affirmations are the act of verbally declaring to yourself some sort of positive statement that you wish to experience in reality.

You might have tried to affirm wealth by reading a piece of paper hundreds of times a day out loud to yourself.

Here are all the reasons affirmations aren't effective ↓

Affirmations only engage the conscious mind, not the subconscious.

For you to manifest a desire, it must first be established in your subconscious mind, and until then it will not be physically expressed.

The act of affirming only engages the conscious mind, not the subconscious which means the positive statement you are trying to enforce is only going so far.

Affirmations actually confirm that you are not in the state of consciousness you desire to be in.

By now you should understand the Mirror Principle (if you missed it just click here to go read it).

In your everyday normal life, you do not go around verbally stating how much you make, and how unhappy you are as a routine right?

So what would be normal to you by doing the opposite?

The basis of shifting into a new state of consciousness is normality, what is normal about affirmations?

If you had attained your desire, would you be walking around saying how much you make hundred times a day?

Chances are probably not, so the act of doing it resonates in your mind that you are not where you desire to be which is reinforced in the subconscious and reflected in reality.

Affirmations reinforce the opposite feeling of what you are trying to shift into.

Not only do affirmations confirm that you are not in the state of consciousness you desire to be in but also generates dangerous emotion.

Never forget, emotion supercharges thought and makes it persist even stronger in our realities.

When you read out of your statement, you feel a bit silly.

Come on, you know what I'm talking about.

You get this strange feeling and that's your left-brain hemisphere giving you the logic that you are not whatever you are saying you are.

That silly feeling/ feeling of lying to yourself is brought up every time you try to affirm and it is extremely dangerous because it immerses you deeper into the reality you're already in because the emotion sticks to it making it persist even more.

The affirmations are not being supplied with adequate emotion

So much revolves around emotion, it is the basis of the frequency you operate out of.

Oftentimes, you never supply the affirmation you are using with enough positive emotion.

Emotion is one of the languages of the subconscious and is the language of God.

Most of you while using affirmations read them in a monotone voice, straight-faced with absolutely no emotion at all, and as a result, it is no different from speaking regularly.

Your mind begins to take the affirmations for granted

It is human nature to underappreciate that which we experience frequently.

The device you're reading this on is probably normal to you, how often do you look at it with pure fascination and awe?

As you begin to use affirmations only on a daily basis, your mind can and will begin to underappreciate them.

Why? Because it become part of the routine, it's not being done out of anything other than a chore.

It just doesn't hit the same anymore.

You don't really believe in affirmations

Affirmations will work for some people if they are able to generate enough emotion and belief, but for most people this is rare.

Be honest with yourself, do you really believe in affirmations?

Chances are, probably not.

If you haven't been experiencing any change in the state of reality for a while, then you definitely will have a rough time getting your mind to believe in their possibility.

I have mentioned every reason why affirmations just aren't effective for the average person, this isn't to say they don't work but are they really effective?

You tell me.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


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