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How To Time Travel To Your Desired Reality

Jun 02, 2024

Does time travel exist?

I’m here to tell you that it does, but not in the way you think.

Humans tend to externalize metaphysical concepts when the truth is, that they are all potentialities that exist within.

For centuries there was a search for the Philosopher Stone, and the true Philosopher's Stone was within every man who searched it.

You can use time travel to jump to a reality where the reality of your desire exists.

By the end of this article, you’ll know the true nature of time and possess the necessary tools to time travel at your command…

What time being an illusion means

I’m sure you’ve heard “time is an illusion.”

This has become a buzzphrase in the spiritual community without anyone ever possessing the knowledge to explain how, so I shall do that for you now…

Being an illusion doesn’t mean that it’s not real because you are aging right now (sorry ladies).

It being an illusion just means that it’s not as it seems.

You've been programmed to believe in the past, present, and future which leads to this linear view of time, which is how the majority of the world sees it, and as always the masses are wrong.

The secret nature of time is hidden in the shape of the clock.

The clock is a symbol of time, and its shape is always a circle because time is cyclical…

A cyclical view leads to the truth that everything is happening at once, you could say in different parallel universes or even at different vibrations, but it’s all now.

This is why “history always repeats” because the world operates in cycles.

Time is real, but it’s an illusion.

Quantum physics will tell you that time-space is merely a constraint of reality.

Time only exists within the physical plane also known as the third-dimensional realm.

Meaning, beyond our experience of reality time does not exist.

Here’s the good news for you…

There is an aspect of your being that is also beyond the physical plane which means temporarily you can move through time, outside of the rules of the physical plane.

That aspect of you that can be above time is your emotions.

Emotion is energy in motion, which produces an energetic vibration.

It’s so powerful that it directly taps into God/Universe/Quantum Field/ which can surpass the illusions of reality.

The truth is you do this all the time.

Take the following examples of your life:

When you are in a positive emotional state time is experienced quickly.

When you are in a negative emotional state time is experienced slowly.

Is the 3 hours when you’re happy different from the 3 hours when you’re sad?

Of course not.

It’s still the same 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour but you experience it differently.

Your emotions literally mold your experience of time, and it’s always been like that.

Think about it…

Think about a good day you had with someone who just seemed to disappear so quickly.

The positive vibrations from your emotions alter your experience of time making it appear to move faster.

Now think about a bad day you had.

Time just seems to drag and drag, it feels like life is happening in slow motion badly!

The negative vibrations from your emotions alter your experience of time making it appear to move slower.

This even affects money, if you wanna time travel to a reality where you're no longer surviving but attracting more money than you've ever seen then invest in what 400+ others have already.

Getting it now?

Good stay with me…

The Universal Amazon Warehouse

You’re connected to a storehouse of every reality you could want.

Think about the universe as a warehouse…

Orders are received through a system, and based on the order received, something will be sent out.

It’s the same thing with the universe.

It’s kinda like Amazon.

Across many different cultures, this warehouse of pure potential is known as, the Akashic Records, Universal Storehouse, 4th Dimension, or Quantum Field.

It is simply a field of pure energy that contains everything that we currently and will ever see, this extends to all creations, technology, etc.

Why? Because remember, it’s free from the third-dimensional construct of time.

In other words, yes, the iPhone 55 already exists here…

Flying cars already exist here…

Every single thing that humans can create already exists here in the potential form via pure formless energy.

As above, so below, this field of pure potential and formless energy exists within you.

Your subconscious mind is the portal to this realm, you have an inner dimension.

Why do you think you close your eyes when you pray?

You’re going within, into the inner dimension because on an unconscious level you know this is where God is.

This also means the reality that you desire exists here too, waiting for you to enter it…

The one thing you must remember from this article is that everything already exists.

That would mean there’s nothing to create, there’s only something to uncover.

Simply to make that which is not yet visible, visible.

The secret to uncovering your desired reality that already exists lies in tapping into your electromagnetic field…

The Universal Fishing Rod

Have you ever felt someone's presence in a room before they spoke?

Or like how you know when your partner or a family member is mad at you and they haven’t even spoken, you can just feel it?

That’s their energy field or, electromagnetic field.

If you can grasp this one thing you’ll understand what a lot of manifestation books will never tell you.

You produce 2 electromagnetic fields; one of the brain and one of the heart.

The electromagnetic field produced by the heart is 60-100x greater than the one of the brain.

Manifestation put, is you extracting a reality from the Universe/Quantum Field/God and pulling it down to the physical plane.

Your electromagnetic field actively communicates with the Universe/Quantum Field/God

So here’s what I call the universal fishing rod.

Electromagnetic is comprised of 2 words, electro and magnetic.

The mind produces thought which is electrical.

The heart produces emotion, which is energy in motion that acts as magnetism.

With thought(electrical), we send out signals to the universe.

And with heart(magnetic) we pull that destination to where we sent the signal back to us.

Like a fishing rod, you throw it into the water(thought) and reel it back(emotion).

The mind and the heart are partners in manifestation, people make the mistake of only using one, do not be people.

Remember the energy field of the heart is 60-100x more powerful than the one of the brain.

This is why so many people fail to manifest what they want because their heart isn’t aligned.

There are no emotions in their affirmations, visualizations or fake gratitude journals.

The heart's connection to the quantum field/God is stronger than that of the mind.

And when you think about it, the heart is the first organ God gives you, protect it.

Time travel to your desired reality.

Jump into that future now.

Remember, emotions can alter your experience moving through time in reality.

This would mean that with correct altered thinking and concentrated emotion, you can time travel to your desired reality.

You could literally x3 the speed of your current reality all the way till you end up in your desired reality.

There are 2 steps to this that you cannot miss:

  1. Fourth dimensional thinking.

Fourth-dimensional thinking is thinking through the truth that everything already exists.

See, in the third dimension, we’re confined by time so we’re either haunted by our past or seduced by our future, but…

In the realm where our pure formless energy exists there is no past or future, so to adhere to past or future is to adhere to limitation.

This is why it’s important to think from the position of your desired reality already existing here and now.

There should be no:

“I know one day...”

“Soon I’ll be…”

“I will be…”

Your desired reality can never be made visible if you do play by the rules.

It’s already done.

When you flick that light switch you know it’s going to turn on, you don’t sit there waiting…

That’s the same level of conviction you need to have.

  1. Fourth dimensional emotion.

Emotion is the key that you think you have figured out but you don’t, I promise you.

By allowing yourself to experience the emotions you’d feel upon attaining your reality now you x3 time your desired reality.

Emphasis on allowing.

Because here’s the secret that’s been in front of your face the whole time…

You don’t want your desired reality, and stay with me here.

The truth is, the only reason you’ll ever want anything in life is because unconsciously it will give you some emotions that you’re currently not experiencing.

You just want the emotions that you’ll experience when you get it.

Whether that’s hunger soothed or accomplishment, it’s emotion, that’s it.

Whether it’s self-pride, security, peace of mind, love, or accomplishment.

The thing about emotions is that you can trigger them now.

You just need to allow yourself to be happy and stop withholding positive emotions for an illusionary reality.

The moment you’re able to consistently fourth-dimensionally think and fourth-dimensionally feel, your third dimension will change.

Always remember the true definition of manifestation…

The true definition of manifestation is shifting internally to a degree where you are no longer emotionally dependent upon seeing your reality change.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before  Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…


The Reality That You Want



The Reality That You Deserve



Without The New-Agey Stuff

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