How To Survive The Deadly 3

Feb 25, 2024

There are 3 Deadly Illusions that will destroy your life without you even realizing...

They keep the 98% on a metaphysical hamster wheel of poverty, scarcity, and failure without ever realizing it.

If you cannot master The Deadly 3, they will master you and control you.

If you can master The Deadly 3, reality will never be out of your control again.

The Illusion Of Time

The first of The Deadly 3 is Time.

By now calling time an illusion has become a buzz phrase that is always said but rarely explained why.

It’s important to define illusion, which does not mean not real but not what it seems to be and time is not what it seems to be.

Time is not linear, contrary to popular belief.

Time has always been portrayed to us via a horizontal line, hence why we have the term “timeline.”

The true nature of time is cyclical.

Why do you think the shape of a clock is a circle?

What we as humans call the past and the future are all taking place at this exact moment.

Time is simply a man-made third-dimensional construct, actually think about it.

If time was such a straightforward concept then why are there 40 alternative calendars?

We are in the West so we operate from the Gregorian calendar.

The ancients had their ways of conceptualizing time, such as the Mayans which is why people thought the world would end in 2012, but it was simply the end of an age.

Time is simply an agreed-upon construct.

Think about how your experience of time is so different depending on how you feel.

When you’re having a bad time, it goes by slowly.

When you’re having a good time, it goes by quickly.

Even Stranger Things 11 touches on the esoteric truth about time.

"Joyce Says Time Is Funny Like That. Emotions Can Make It Speed Up Or Slow Down. We Are All Time Travelers If You Think About It."

Emotion is energy in motion that transcends the third-dimensional world we exist and so can alter the experience of the illusion.

Within higher dimensions and planes of existence, time no longer exists because it is only a confinement of the third-dimensional realm which you call reality.

It’s for this reason that many fall into the trap of projecting their desires into the “future.”

Due to the truth only the now exists, all thinking in terms of that which you desire to manifest should be regarded as already existing in the now, which is called fourth-dimensional thinking.

I've written about the mistake you make when you think about the future here.

The Illusion Of Reality

The second of The Deadly 3 is Reality.

Scientifically speaking you only see 0.0035% of reality.

Really think about that...

Humans can only see visible light which is a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum, and your eyes cannot see the rest.

To take it further...

Subatomic particles have been recorded in scientific experiments to react to human consciousness, like a game rendering the world.

Go research The Double Slit Experiment.

Reality is an illusion because you have been programmed to believe you have no power over it, yet you have the most power over it.

You have been sold this perspective that whatever happens, in your reality, is out of your control and this could not be further from the truth.

This idea, that things happen to us, instead of because of us is what keeps the masses within the depths of this intricate illusion.

All poverty, disease, failure, and loss that you encounter are a result of your frequency which can be altered to experience wealth, abundance, and success.

The universe is not against you, it never has been and never will be, you are against you for you are the universe.

Reality is simply a mirror but you have to know the rules of the mirror.

Last week in The 21st Century Alchemists Weekly Sunday School Live, I touched this concept deeply!

If you're feeling lost and overwhelmed by the information in the space, then join the private community to finally start manifesting consistently with a system

You control reality, not the other way around however it will become the other way around if you don’t claim control.

This will be hard to grasp but intricately observe your life.

Your successes and failures are always directly in proportion to your dominating emotionally charged thoughts and emotions about your circumstance.

Remember, physical reality is simply the effect of a mental plane cause.

Because the masses feel out of control in their lives, this provides them an incentive to remain docile and not take any action.

You have been wired to think that reality is out of your control, so when misfortune comes your way you call it “fate” or “destiny”, and there is nothing you can do about it because it is cosmically above you, this is a lie.

Fate and destiny have been attributed to be the will of the universe, this is nonsense.

Your fate and destiny are both created by you and nobody else.

The Illusion Of Money

The final illusion of The Deadly 3 is Money.

Money is probably the biggest illusion out of them all, despite being of the least importance.

We’ve all searched “how to make money” on Google or YouTube at least once, or thirty times.

Money while sold as a result, is truly a by-product and that’s the illusion.

I will equate it to a cake.

A cake is the result of a multitude of ingredients mixed and then baked.

Money is just like a cake.

It is what one receives upon acquiring all the ingredients and putting them together correctly.

Money is also like a cat, if you chase a cat it’s gonna run but if you have what it wants it’ll come to you wilfully and what it wants is frequency.

The combination of a money-magnet-like frequency and contribution to the world is exactly what will make money chase you.

There are 2 levels to this, a unification across the mental plane and physical plane.

Your mind should be dominated by the consciousness of already being in the abundance of money and how simple it flows to you, followed by the correct action on the physical plane.

That combination creates a frequency that makes money run after you like a zombie.

Contributing to the world emits a frequency that makes the universal flow of money chase you.

We all know people who work extremely hard, doing 60-hour weeks...

Yet wealth seems to escape them and it’s because they’re working hard, maybe even smart but not multi-dimensionally.

How To Conquer Each Illusion

By following these practices you will conquer The Deadly 3 and not fall victim to them more than you already have.

  1. You master time by only seeing the existence of the now, thinking from the end of whatever your desire is as if it is already here while disregarding any other thoughts.
  2. You master reality by maintaining the idea that is an effect that you declare mentally and will conform to your consciousness, it just lags a bit. Don’t judge the day by what you reap but by what you sow.
  3. You master money by aligning yourself on the mental plane with the idea you are in a constant abundant stream of flow while executing all methods of contribution to the world.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Grew up with poverty programming? Join over 500 students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This simple course will free your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


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