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How To Send A Message To The Universe And Get A Reply Quick

Jan 14, 2024

Do you ever feel like the universe is ignoring your messages?

You’ve been asking for change for a while now, but for some reason, it’s like your messages just aren’t getting through…

It reminds me of when I was growing up…

I would always ask my mom if I could sleep at my friend's house, (which if you’re African you know this is an extreme sport)…

Whenever I’d ask her, she would just point-blank, act like she didn’t hear me and it drove me insane.

Eventually, after a solid 30 minutes of repeating myself like a robot, I would just give up.

This is how it can feel with the universe sometimes, that frustration can lead to hopelessness.

Well here’s a confusing truth for you…

There is no universe, there is only a Youniverse.

The Youniverse

If it feels like the universe is ignoring you, it’s because you are ignoring yourself.

You are the only universe that exists.

There is no universe outside of you, and this is what 98% will never know.

What comes to mind when you think about the universe?

Stars? Galaxies? Planets? Aliens?

The most destructive lie ever sold to humanity is the lie of externalization.

What should come to mind when you think about the universe is you.

You are the universe. You are a microcosm of it, which just means a miniature version with all the same qualities

Shout-out to my brother Will369 for this.

On the left is an atom which is the building blocks that you and the universe are made from.

On the right is the structure of the solar system.

See how they are identical.

I mean it literally when I say you are the universe, there is one inside of you.

Carl Sagan, one of the world's most famous and renowned astrophysicists said:

The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

Thousands of years ago, the ancient alchemists said:

“As above so below, and so below, as above.”

Whatever is within you, will be within your universe.

This should give you a lightbulb to the statement I made earlier…

There is no universe, there is only a Youniverse.

This is why they say reality is a reflection of who you are.

You have never been ignored by the universe, you’ve only ignored yourself.

The more you begin to look within instead of without, the more your reality will make sense…

You Are Ignoring Your Youniverse

If you can train yourself to ask yourself this question anytime reality isn’t going the way you want, you will force the Youniverse to reply to you instantly.

The simple yet powerful question is…

What is happening within me?

The truth is, the universe never actually ignores you, it’s replying to you…

You are not communicating with the universe, and this should be your second lightbulb moment.

Did you know that you and the universe talk back and forth in every moment, including this one?

The mistake is that 98% of the world thinks that the universe communicates through language like us.

The universe has 3 of its languages and if you don’t speak them, then it will ignore you…

Once you know these 3 languages, everything will make sense…

Language 1 - Emotion

“Emotion is the language of God.” ~ Neville Goddard

Certain cultures across the world have adopted the idea that God has a "chosen" language which is pure egotism because God is beyond the confinement of language.

Emotion unlike language transcends reality as it is energy is motion.

Emotion emits a frequency into the universe which acts as a beacon of light for the realities you can experience.

Frequency is like a reality assigner, and the majority of your frequency is determined by your base emotional state.

“By being able to master their own moods and feelings, they can neutralize Rhythm, and escape a great part of the operations of Cause and Effect on the ordinary plane.” ~ Kybalion

Remember this, emotion is everything.

Emotions alter the vibrations of the thoughts that you have which supercharge them increasing the likelihood of their manifestation.

Emotion is more powerful than any thought or word.

This is why while people may pray for prosperity, their emotional state is frustration and sadness which are the only things the universe registers.

Emotions breed emotion.

Whatever you feel, reality will seek to maintain your feeling that feelings by bringing circumstances that maintain them.

Language 2 - Attention

In my role as an esoteric advisor to 6-8-figure entrepreneurs, I always stress these three words to my clients.

Attention is alignment.

In the realm of the universe, attention takes precedence over your words and thoughts.

It doesn’t matter how much you think positively, if your attention is still focused on the opposite that's what the universe thinks you’re aligning to.

Wherever your attention is being placed is the reality you’re being aligned to.

The universe is a careful observer that never takes a day off from observing where your attention is being placed.

Wherever attention goes energy flows.

Attention is a centralizing of energy, think about it like depositing into a bank account that brings wanted and unwanted realities.

What many people don’t know is that if it can’t get your attention then it doesn’t exist.

Language 3 - Now

If you want the universe is hear you then you must play by its rules.

And one of its rules is…

“There is no past or future only now.”

Live in the future until you have no concept of it.

A major mistake that you’ve made your whole life is thinking “I will be.”

To believe you will be is a confession that you are not and if you’re not in the now then you never can be because only the now exists.

You must enter the emotional state of being that suggests that your desire has already manifested and allow yourself to be consumed by that.

Once you focus on seizing the now, you will seize the reality that you want.

How The Universe Replies

Like a phone, when properly connected the universe will send you notifications.

Off the basis that you are always communicating with the universe whether consciously or unconsciously, the universe is always replying to you whether you know it or not.

Have you ever had a really strange coincidence?

The truth is, there is no such thing as a coincidence, there are only synchronicities.

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that are seen as signs or messages from a higher power.

See them as, an indication of the connection between the spiritual and material aspects of life.

They are a reminder that you are forever reflecting the universe.

Think about it like the universe telling you to pay attention…

It’s like when you keep seeing the same numbers over and over…

It’s like when you’re thinking about someone and then they hit you up…

It’s like when you’re looking at a car online, or some clothes, and then you start seeing them everywhere in real life.

The more you begin to link the events of your life to your mind, the more you’ll realize the universe is always talking to you. You just need to listen.

Once you begin to shift into your desired reality, a series of events that lead up to your manifestation will begin to unfold. it’s time to pay attention again

It’ll start with your intuition telling you that you need to do certain things, it’ll almost feel like you’re being nagged, and once again this is the universal wisdom being mirrored within you.

That being said, go to talk to the Youniverse, but make sure you’re listening.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before  Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…


The Reality That You Want



The Reality That You Deserve



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