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How To Really Let Go, The Final 5% To Manifesting Your Desired Reality

Mar 10, 2024

Why isn’t it manifesting?

Am I doing something wrong?

Did I not do the technique properly?

These are the questions you ask yourself when you think you’ve done everything you need to and that’s a major emphasis on think.

Truth be told, you have done everything you need to do, except this one thing…

This one small thing is the final piece to the jigsaw…

This one small thing will make everything click…

It is the only bridge to your desired reality.

It is detachment. It is letting go and letting God.

Now you probably think detachment is about pretending not to care or trying to avoid thinking about your desire and that’s exactly why you still haven’t manifested your desired reality.

It’s not your fault though, most people have the wrong definition of detachment and see it the same way but as you know, most people don’t manifest their desires either.

So, you must correct your definition because it is the bridge to your desired reality.

If you don’t fix your definitions then you’ll end up like everybody else, and you don’t wanna end up like them, that’s why you’re here in the first place.

Misdirected definitions = misdirected thinking which = misdirected energy which = a misdirected reality.

When you have the correct definition, everything will change. Period.

But, before that, knowing why detaching is the key is way more important, so here’s why…

Absorb Your Desired Reality

Letting go isn’t a physical action, it’s a mental click.

Once that click goes off, then your desired reality is no longer desired and is just a reality.

Take a sponge for example. Trust me, it’ll make sense.

In its natural state, it is light, receptive, and absorbent.

In its unnatural state, it is squeezed, restricted, and limited.

You are no different from a sponge.

When you’re in your natural state you’re light, receptive, and absorbent for your desired reality.

When you’re in your unnatural state you’re pressured, restricted, and limited to receiving your desired reality.

Your desired reality has been waiting to come to you, but you insist on holding onto its meaning, and so you’re squeezing the sponge.

If you want to manifest your desired reality you must first be in an absorbent state of being so it can actually come to you…

Why You’re Not Detaching

How do I actually detach?

I remember when I first began learning all this stuff, and I’d always hear “detach, detach, detach” but it always just seemed so difficult.

How could I detach from what I want, when I really needed it?

How do I detach from money when I need it to live?

How do I detach from getting this job when I need it to survive?

It just always completely confused me, until I finally figured out what it was…

Most people don’t understand how reality works. No, for real.

And it makes sense because I only got this around 6 years and 250+ books in…

Why do you want what you want?

The answer to that question holds the secret to detaching.

And if you don’t take in what I’m about to say then everything you’ve been doing to manifest up until this point will be for nothing.

Here’s the secret that’s been in front of your face the whole time…

Often when we want more money, a career, a partner, a car, a bag, or a certain point in business we think it’s because we want the thing itself, but that’s not the truth.

The truth is, the only reason you’ll ever want anything in life is because unconsciously it will give you some emotions that you’re currently not experiencing.

From something as small as a burger to a mansion, you just want the emotions that you’ll experience when you get it.

Whether that’s hunger soothed or accomplishment, it’s emotion.

Think about your desired reality deep enough, and you’ll discover that you just want to feel something you’re not feeling now.

Whether it’s self-pride, security, peace of mind, love, or accomplishment.

On a base level, you just want to feel different.

And when you truly realize this, then detaching is easy because it’s no longer about you getting the thing itself but it’s about you experiencing the emotions that you would feel in your desired reality, now.

The thing about emotions is that you can trigger them now.

Think about how you’d feel in your desired reality, if you can focus on that feeling and immerse yourself in it, then you won’t need the thing anymore, and when you don’t need it then you’ll make it needy for you.

This is true detachment, not pretending you don't care.

We got conned into playing the game backward.

We’re tricked into thinking we need the money, career, or lifestyle…

Without ever realizing that when we stop needing it, it gets needy for us.

Currently, you’re a lighthouse, looking for light which is ridiculous.

I promise you this, every successful person I know (and I know a lot), doesn’t care about their material possessions as much as you think they would, do you know why?

They felt rich before the world could see it.

They felt powerful before the world could see it.

They felt successful before the world could see it.

So eventually when it all comes, it’s just normal to them, it’s whatever.

True power is deciding to feel the emotions of your desired reality now so intensely that you no longer need to see reality change.

Choose your emotions wisely.

Wanting vs Having

Let me ask you a question…

Do you want something that you already have?

The question doesn’t even make sense because of course not.

When you have something, you no longer want it.

Think about the shoes you wanted, or the car, or the coat…

You wanted it for a while, and then you finally got it and the importance you placed upon it faded over time.

You don’t take care of it the same way as you did when it was fresh, it’s normal now, it’s whatever now.

And there’s a lesson in that…

You want your desired reality, and that’s exactly why you’re never gonna manifest it.

It’s kinda backwards, right?

Well, welcome to an annoying law of the universe…

You can only have what you already have and if you ain’t got it, then you won’t get it.

You might need to read that a couple of times…

See, most people make the mistake of wanting their desire.

Wanting is an indication that you don’t have your desire, so the universe picks up on that and just reflects it.

Whether you realize it or not, you’re always either wanting or having something.

And more often than not, you’re wanting which is exactly why it hasn’t manifested.

If you want to never manifest your desired reality, then keep wanting it that’s a guaranteed way of never getting it.

The Buddha said it best…

The root of suffering is attachment”

These profound words are an eternal truth that can be extrapolated to every aspect of life.

In this case, the attachment to your desire creates a frequency that repels you from it.

That’s why it feels like sometimes you get close, but your desire is running from you.

All frustration, disappointment, and worry, that you’re feeling when it comes to your desired reality is the result of attachment.

Here’s an easy way to find out if you’re attached.

Would you be fine if what you want never manifested?

if you said yes, then stop the cap. (My older readers, cap just means lies).

If you said no, then that’s great because now you’re seeing clearly.

The suffering that is your desired reality not manifesting, results from your attachment to it.

If your emotional state depends on your desired reality manifesting then you’re never going to manifest because you’re missing the point…

Manifestation isn’t about changing reality, that’s the definition of people who never manifest…

Manifestation is shifting internally to a state of mind where you are no longer emotionally dependent on seeing reality change, that’s its most truest definition.

If your peace of mind and happiness is being held hostage until you see reality change then you don’t get it and so you’ll never get the reality you want.

Letting go is about letting go of depriving yourself of the emotions you’d experience in your desired reality, just feel them now, and give yourself permission to.

Once you properly let go, you’ll feel a click, you’ll probably feel a lightbulb moment after reading this…

But see now, everything's about to change for you, you’re seeing clearly now.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual: Grew up with poverty programming? Join over 500 students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This simple course will free your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, forever.

👉🏾 2. Break Out Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5X Your Revenue In 7 Weeks  Have you been stuck at the same revenue range for some time now? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you grind you're getting the same results. I'm hired by elite entrepreneurs to show them the secrets of the universe but they'll never tell you that.


The Reality That You Want



The Reality That You Deserve



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