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How To Be A God Over Your Problems

Jun 16, 2024

Did you know that God can make you a god to all the problems in your life?

And all it really takes is understanding something small that most people will die never knowing…

Now, blasphemy alarm bells are probably ringing off in your head but I promise you, this is far from blasphemy.

In fact, true blasphemy is when you allow the problems in your life to be your god instead of aligning to the highest level of consciousness, God.

Imagine what it would be like never to feel like your problems are suffocating you, to be able to stand over them and watch them suffocate because they have no power over you.

How would that feel?

I wasn’t joking or exaggerating when I said you can be a god to the problems in your life, you need to know how, and when you do you’ll never feel suffocated again.

So, let me tell you…

What Is God?

What does it mean to be a god?

Isn’t that thought blasphemy?

Isn’t that the exact same thing the devil thought?

Before I can show you how to be a god to your problems, we first need to redefine God beyond the religious programming that has put God into a box.

First things first…

God isn’t some personality sitting in the sky watching your every move while sitting on his throne.

I mean, if he’s sat on a throne that means he has a bottom, feet on the ground, and elbows to rest on the seat which doesn’t even make sense…

Anyways, the concept of God having some sort of personality doesn’t make sense, that’s just our view of God made through the lens of our persona which is just our ego mirroring ourselves.

Religion portrays God as narcissistic, bipolar, and abusive.

He loves us so much that he’s going to punish us for not doing what he said even though he put us in the position to do what we want while knowing what we were already going to do anyway just to burn us, or as the religious would say burn ourselves?

And I don’t mean to be cheeky, I just need to poke holes in how you’ve been taught to view God so when I tell you that you can be a god to your problems, there’s no cognitive dissonance.

God is the highest level of consciousness, the highest frequency, also known as the “Most High” frequency which is an impersonal energy that is the source of our universe and the others.

The truest nature of God is evident by a simple observation of the laws of nature.

Gravity isn’t a personal force, it kills regardless of who you are.

Electricity isn’t a personal force, it can light up a city or electrocute you to death.

God is an impersonal energy, not a personality.

An energy that is within you always has been and always will be

“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” ~ 1 Corinthians 3:16

Spirit = consciousness.

A personality requires a persona, and God is above the ego.

You’ve been taught to believe God has a personality, that’s part of the manipulation.

Growing up, it never made sense to me that the highest level of consciousness could fall to the lowest primal human nature.

Think about it like electricity, if you get shocked, you don’t cry and think it hates you, you just incorrectly managed it

It’s the same with God, its energy is within your mind and can transform or destroy your reality.

I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” ~ Isaiah 45:7

Ignorance of the within will always lead to suffering without.

Until you become aware of your subconscious mind you will label every misfortune as destiny or the “Will of God.”

It’s always been you, and it always will be.

So in case I lost you, God is simply an impersonal energy of the highest frequency, the most powerful frequency that is within you, God is in you.

In the same way that a droplet of the ocean is still of the ocean, you are of god.

With that being said, you’ve given your power away, you’ve let your frequency be dominated by the false gods of the world and that is the true source of all your problems…

The Gods That Are Ruining Your Life

Worry is your God…

Anxiety is your God….

An individual that is causing you trouble may be your God…

What do I mean by this?

Quite simply, whatever in your life has a stronger frequency than you will temporarily become the god of your life, ruling your reality.

Most people don’t realize that the world we live in is first a spiritual world.

Immaterial before it becomes material.

Mental before physical.

And because they don’t realize this, they don’t realize that the true game of life is governed by frequency.

In the old world of primal humanity, strength was determined by physical power.

As time went on and we evolved, so did our level of consciousness so the game completely changed…

In the new world of modern humanity, strength is determined by the power of frequency.

The individuals with the strongest frequency bend their reality and the world around them.

But, it’s not just individuals that can have strong frequencies, it’s also problems…

Here’s what it means to have the strongest frequency…

It’s all about maintaining conviction in whatever it is you believe in and not deviating from that belief regardless of whatever is being put in front of your eyes.

I’ll give you an example.

A client of mine called Nicole is a multi-million dollar real estate agent who was stuck at $9k p/m for a whileeee.

I showed her an insanely simple secret frequency framework that I give to all the elite entrepreneurs who hire me which tweaked her mind ever so slightly.

Now even after I showed her the framework, she still had the same problems showing up in her life trying to press her back into staying in her old frequency.

It was a battle of frequency.

I let her know that maintaining the frequency after I showed the framework is the final key, and now she’s hit $62k only 2 months later…


Because she maintained conviction in her desired reality and didn’t deviate despite what popped up.

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s interested in multiplying without doing anything different simply using an insanely simple secret frequency framework then click here and I'll show you...

How often do you let the world convince you to stray away from your desired reality?

You desire peace, chaos shows up and you enter chaos.

You desire a stress-free existence, stress shows up and you enter stress.

You desire harmony with a certain individual, they show up and you enter disharmony.

The issue with you right now is that your frequency is weaker than everything that’s showing up in front of you.

Now, the unfortunate truth is that if you don’t have the stronger frequency you’ll live the type of life that you watched your parents live, and I know for a fact you want more, you deserve it.

So, finally let me show you how to become a god to your problems...

Exodus 7:1

“And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.”

God made Moses a god to the world around him, and he also made you a god, but you forgot that, so you can’t become it.

It’s esoterically hidden in Exodus…

Now, I grew up in church, I went to catholic schools my whole life and even went to a youth church conference where they were taking “demons” out, but they never showed me this…

For context, Exodus is the story of how the Israelites who were slaves to the Egyptians were freed from their bondage by God through Moses.

It all began when Moses came across God on a mountain and God revealed himself to Moses and gave him 2 words that led to the Israelites being freed...

I want you to understand something, this story is about you.

You are Moses and You are the Israelites, stay with me now…

Once you understand the profound spiritual significance behind these 2 words you will possess the only power needed to make your problems bow before you…

And those 2 words are I AM.

“I AM” is first revealed within the Bible, specifically in Exodus 3:14-15 after God reveals himself to Moses.

At the burning bush Moses asked who he should say had sent him, and God said:

“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM .” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” - Exodus 3:14

This is where the gateway to mastery over reality begins…

God then follows to say that:

“Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations” ~ Exodus 3:15

God states “This is my name forever” which is a reference to the eternality of the I AM being there from the very beginning.

Now, it’s very important to note that after and only after God gave Moses these 2 words did God say “ I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet” in Exodus 7:1

The Israelites were only able to become free due to their awareness of the I AM principle, which is what made Moses a God to Pharaoh.

I AM is a reference to the divine consciousness which exists throughout the universe.

It is the divine presence, also known as the “divine spark” in Gnostic traditions that is at the center of your being but also woven into the fabric of existence.

Think about it like your God-self.

It is the aspect of God that is within you, it is the droplet from the ocean which has all the qualities of the ocean.

The I AM is who you are beyond the illusion of reality and you’ve known this your whole life within the depths of your soul.

It is your true cosmic identity as the manifestation of God.

Each time you use I AM you are directly activating the God-self within you that is above all illusion and is omnipotent meaning it has the power to rearrange your reality.

Imagine that every time you either say or think these words God appears in front of you ready to materialize whatever it is you said or thought.

In the esoteric context of Exodus, Egypt represents limitation, circumstance, oppression, and problems in which Pharaoh is the authority figure.

God(I AM consciousness) makes thee a god to pharaoh (limitations, circumstances, and problems).

When you become aware that God is within you, waiting to be used then you become a god to your problems.

You become a God by staying convicted to the belief that your desired reality is already present here regardless of whatever is shown in front of you using the I AM principle to ground you.

In times of chaos mentally remind yourself I AM peace.

In times of stress mentally remind yourself I AM relaxed.

In times of scarcity mentally remind yourself I AM abundant.

The stronger you are convicted in what you believe, the stronger your frequency and so the stronger you are over your reality.

And the moment you have the stronger frequency over any individual or problem it will bow before you.

With that being said, you can either be a God to your problems or they can be a God to you.

When you're ready here are 2 ways I can help you:

👉🏾 1. The Metaphysical Money Manual:  Shift from stuck, scarcity and survival. Join over 1,100+ students who finally got the money lightbulb moment you’ve been wanting. You’ve tried grinding, but that’s not enough. This 1-hour study will unblock your money blockages so you can attract more consistently, and easily forever.

👉🏾 2. The Hidden Method To Break Through Your Revenue Ceiling And 2-5x Your Revenue in The Next 9 Weeks Maximum - Even If You’ve Tried Everything Before  Without touching your business at all by using the same methods secret societies use to achieve unprecedented success…


The Reality That You Want



The Reality That You Deserve



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