About Me

I’m an esoteric advisor to 6-8-figure entrepreneurs.

I’m the guy they come to when they’re feeling mentally stuck, burned out, constant worry, imposter syndrome, internal chaos, and at a glass ceiling of revenue.

I help them excel in business performance, making the “glory days” a consistent reality with a couple tweaks to the frequency of their mind so they can earn more, with less struggle and more calm.

The spiritual science of manifestation has become diluted with falsehoods thanks to the corny woo-woo-ers, who make this stuff seem silly.

I cut all that nonsense out and made it practical and systematic.

In my 8-year quest, I've consumed knowledge from over 350 books on the subject, and tried everything you can imagine, so trust me I know what works, and what doesn’t…

I’ve gone on to teach that knowledge, having experience with 150+ successful clients who have materialized their desires consistently.

A single mom also raised me on a council estate, but if you want my story, sign up for the weekly newsletter and we’ll talk from there.