Struggling to consistently manifest? Go from being frustrated to creating your desired reality with crystal clear clarity (without reading hundreds of books)

 Join the community of like-minded black sheep that will raise your vibration without the corny woo-woo

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Can't Figure This Manifestation Thing Out?

Manifestation sucks.

You've manifested what you want before.

Or at least, you think you have...

But for some reason, you can't do it on command, consistently and it's so ANNOYING.

You know it's real but it doesn't show up when you need it to...

And you've read books, watched the podcasts, and tried all the techniques but still nothing.

Reading hundreds of books will kill your chances of manifesting.

And I say this as someone who’s read over 350+ books.

Napoleon Hill…

Dr. Joe Dispenza…

Neville Goddard…

Joseph Murphy…

I could continue, but listen there isn’t a single manifestation book I haven’t read.

I’ve spent years posting hundreds of books, they’re actually all on my IG.

And here’s something that doesn’t make sense…

The more books you read, the harder it becomes to manifest.

Reading hundreds of books is a waste of time.

Would you believe me if I told you that you don’t need to read hundreds of books to manifest what you want?

The Real Problem

The knowledge in the manifestation space all contradicts each other, and this conflict will confuse you.

Your mind will be like:

“Is it better to do affirmations or visualize?”

“But he said affirmations don’t work, but it worked for that person.”

Find 1 person to learn from, and fuck off everybody else.

I know so many people that haven’t even read 10 books but they’ve manifested easily.

The problem is...

You're winging it.

You're freestyling it.

You don't have a step-by-step system to manifest and if you did it would be consistent.

The money you want, the career you want, the relationships you want would all be at the click of your fingers.

To bake a really good cake, you need a recipe that is followed completely.

If you're freestyling baking then you'll end up with nonsense, and possibly the shits...

Without a system, there's no consistency in operation which means no consistency in results.

If you don't get a system then you'll always be in this cycle where you randomly manifest but not on command.

And that's the whole point you're here right?

To create reality on command.

You need a system. A recipe.

How could a system that's been made from 350+ books and 8 years of manifestation trial and error change your life?

This is exactly why you should join The 21st Century Alchemists...(it's not a cult... okay no promises)

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What's in the community? ↓

🧙🏿‍♂️ Community Access: Being alone on this journey is hard, it's easy to slip back into old patterns. With a team, your frequency can be kept accountable.

🧙🏿‍♂️ Sunday School:  Think about every question you've ever had that was never answered because no one was there. Every Sunday there will be a LIVE lesson and Q&A.

🧙🏿‍♂️ Workshops: Regularly I will be covering the most crucial & impactful lessons to successfully manifest, recorded in a whiteboard-style manner.

🧙🏿‍♂️ Woo-Woo Free Knowledge: The manifestation space has been corrupted with falsehoods. The information shared here will be purely practical. 

Really and truly, it's a family (mafia style, without the killing...)

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Why should I join your cult?

"The lips of Wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding.” ~ The Kybalion

At this moment in life:

You might be broke…

You might be hustling…

You might be feeling internal chaos…

You might have read a couple of books…

You might have tried meditation and affirmations…

You might have listened to Bob Proctor or Napoleon Hill…

Regardless, there’s one thing I can guarantee.

You’re struggling to create the reality you want consistently.

The most valuable skill that’s been the same since the beginning of time is…

Programming the subconscious mind.

It is the only gateway to creating the reality you want.

Alone, it might take you a while to properly master but imagine being in a group where everybody has the same aim.

To say it another way, the mirror will never smile before you do.

“Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they, therefore, remain bound.” ~ James Allen

Nothing you do in reality will work, if your mind isn’t programmed first.

This is what you've always needed.

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Who is this guy talking all this stuff?

Hey friend, my name is Nero.

I’m an esoteric advisor to 6-8-figure entrepreneurs.

I’m the guy they come to when they’re feeling mentally stuck, burned out, constant worry, imposter syndrome, internal chaos and stuck at a glass ceiling of revenue.

I help them excel business performance, making the “glory days” a consistent reality by a couple tweaks to the frequency of their mind so they can earn more, with less struggle and more calm.

The spiritual science of manifestation has become diluted with falsehoods thanks to the corny woo-woo-ers, who make this stuff seem silly.

I cut all that nonsense out and make it practical and systematic.

In my 8-year quest, I've consumed knowledge from over 300 books on the subject, and tried everything you can imagine, so trust me I know what works, and what doesn’t…

It probably took me so long because I was alone.

I’ve gone on to teach that knowledge, having experience with 150+ successful clients that have materialised their desires consistently.

I was also raised by a single mom on a council estate so don't think I'm some privileged guy, I'm just like you.

Anyways, I wanna connect this generation's most powerful minds and help us all excel.

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